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PM Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Pompeo in Jerusalem, Aug. 24, 2020

One name was missing from Monday morning’s public appearance in Jerusalem of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo—who joked that he was a frequent flier to Israel. The missing name was President Trump’s especial advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner. This had to be a coordinated effort by the two professional politicians who must have had it up to here from this Frisch yeshiva graduate.

And so, the PM told his guest, “I want to thank you and I want to thank the President for all you have done for Israel’s security,” followed by, “This (the peace with UAE) has been brokered by President trump with your assistance and it has been a boon to peace and for regional stability.”


The secretary added his share of Kushner-shaming, telling his host, “What’s taking place here is deeply consistent with what President Trump set out to do, create a more stable, more prosperous Middle East.”

No Jared.

The two men discussed the growing discomfort in the Israeli security apparatus and in the media over statements made by Kushner regarding a state-of-the-art arms deal with the United Arab Emirates which the on-in-law told CNN had been cleared, now that Israel and the Gulf States are friends.

Netanyahu’s main purpose in Monday’s press appearance was to eliminate any doubt regarding the preservation of the IDF’s technological superiority, and even more important, to enlist Pompeo’s confirmation that the UAE deal would not erode this doctrine.

“I have to say simply that this deal does not include Israel’s acceptance of any arms deal. I don’t know of any arms deal that has been agreed about or may be contemplated. Our position hasn’t changed,” Netanyahu declared, adding, “But I also learned from Secretary Pompeo, heard again a very, very strong commitment that under all circumstances the United States will insure Israel’s qualitative edge.”

Secretary Pompeo delivered the requested goods, stating, “The Prime Minister spoke to the security commitments that were made. The United States has a legal requirement to back Israel’s qualitative military edge and we’ll continue to honor that.”

“But we have a 20+ years security relationship with the United Arab Emirate as well where we have provided them with technical assistance, military assistance and we will now continue to review that process, to continue to make sure that we’re delivering them the equipment that they need to secure and defend their own people from the … Islamic Republic of Iran,” Pompeo continued.

“And we’ll do it in a way that preserves our commitment to Israel,” he declared.

Pompeo’s visit to Israel comes in the wake of US efforts to mobilize more Muslim countries to establish official relations with Israel following the agreement with the United Arab Emirates.

The Secretary of State is also expected to meet with Deputy Prime Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi.

Pompeo will continue to visit Sudan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

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