Photo Credit: courtesy, Western Wall Heritage Foundation
US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides prays at the Western Wall on July 12 2023

US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides prayed for world peace at the Western Wall on Wednesday to mark the end of his tenure in the Jewish STate.

Nides began his serving his term in Israel two and a half years ago with a visit and prayer at the Western Wall, where he lit candles during the official Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony.


This time, he arrived for what he said was a personal and national prayer, before returning to the United States.

During his tenure in Israel, Nides visited the Western Wall on dozens of occasions and participated in many events. He is reportedly set to leave Israel next month.

The ambassador saw the Western Wall as a significant place and a spiritual center for the Jewish people, and he cared deeply about its development, according to a spokesperson for the Western Wall Heritage Foundation.

Nides — and the Biden Administration in Washington DC — warmly support the anti-government anarchists who have spent more than half a year trying to disrupt the daily lives of Israel in their effort to overturn the elected government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The ambassador told the Wall Street Journal in an interview on Monday that the Biden administration is attempting to prevent Israel from “going off the rails.”

The ambassador claimed the Israeli government’s planned judicial reform raises questions about Israel’s democratic status and its “unbreakable bond” with the United States.

“I think most Israelis want the United States to be in their business,” Nides said. “With that sometimes comes a modicum of a price, which is articulating when we think things are going off the rails.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.