Photo Credit: Edi Israel / Flash 90
A long exposure picture shows Iron Dome anti-missile system fires interception missiles as rockets are fired from the Gaza Strip to Israel, as seen from the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, May 10, 2021.

The US House of Representatives passed a stand-alone bill (H.R. 5323) to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile defense system, after progressives in the Democratic party forced the $1 billion Iron Dome provision out of the broader spending bill in the Congressional vote earlier in the week.

After the Iron Dome provision was excluded, and due to to pressure from pro-Israel Democrats, US House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer(D) announced there would be a special vote this week for the Iron Dome funding.


The measure passed with 420 vote for, 9 against, and two members voting present, in Thursday’s vote.

Democratic representatives Rashida Tlaib (Michigan), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts), Cori Bush (Missouri), Andre Carson (Indiana), Marie Newman (Illinois), Jesus Garcia (Illinois) and Raul Grivalva (Arizona), as well as Republican Tom Massie (Kentucky) voted against Israel in the vote. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York) and Hank Johnson (Georgia) voted present.

AOC who voted present (after changing her vote from a no, presumably because of her Senate ambitions), was one of the instigators against the Iron Dome provision in the vote earlier in the week.

Rashida Tlaib, in her statement of opposition, repeatedly called Israel an apartheid state and stated that Israel committed war crimes.

The bill now needs to go to the Senate.

Over 4000 rockets were launched at Israeli civilians in the 10-day war with Gaza in May 2021. The Iron Dome’s supply of interceptors were severely depleted in the terrorist attacks against Israel.

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