Photo Credit: IAF Spokesperson
The F-35I at IAF Tel Nof Base.

Several months after the conclusion of Israel’s deal with the US to procure 75 Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jets, dubbed “Adir,” on Wednesday another stealth jet landed at Tel Nof Air Force Base, and this one is bare of any of the advanced systems that are normally installed on this advance aircraft, according to the IAF.  According to Makor Rishon (המטוס החדש שמשנה את המשוואה בשמי מזרח התיכון), the idea is, according to the IAF, to allow Israeli teams to develop and test out their own advanced systems on it, adding to Israel’s independence in the air and raising its military superiority in the region.

This is a unique gesture on the part of the American manufacturer, making Israel the only country in the world that can modify its F-35s – no other customer has been granted this permission.

The test F-35I at IAF Tel Nof Base. / Courtesy of IAF Spokesperson

Experts explain that this is an opportunity to enter the blank F-35 into Israeli hangars where it would be upgraded from a super-plane to an even more sophisticated plane.

Among other things, the IAF will be able to develop and assemble advanced Israeli smart bombs the pilot can launch from a very long distance towards a target and navigate it to the target with an accuracy of a few inches. Israel already possesses such bombs and mounting them on the F-35 will make it even more lethal. For instance, the advanced stealth jet will be able to launch bombs to precise targets in Syrian territory as it hovers high above the Kinneret in Israeli territory. Same with targets in Gaza and, should this be called for, the PA.

This is an unprecedented capability that will endow the IAF with the most advanced destruction capabilities in the world.

The IAI, along with the Air Force, will be able to install external fuel tanks on the aircraft, to be used in attacks against a distant destination (wink, wink) and dump over the sea. Such a capability will allow the aircraft to reach distances of up to 1,000 miles, give or take, from Israeli territory – yet another significant technological and operational advantage the Air Force can acquire using the “blank” aircraft.

Back in September, Janes reported that IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi wants to purchase both a third squadron, made up of the F-35I, and a squadron of the advanced F-15s. Israel also wants the F-35B short take-off and vertical landing variant, to make the IAF less vulnerable to ballistic missile attacks on its runways.

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