Photo Credit: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90
Israelis protest against aid trucks making their way to the Gaza Strip on Highway 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, May 6, 2024.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan has called the incidents of Jews who target aid trucks to be eventually stopped and robbed by Hamas in Gaza “a total outrage,” and according to The Washington Post, citing a senior US official, the Biden administration considering sanctions against the individuals who have been involved in the attacks.


The Post’s Loveday Morris (Hippy parents?) reported on “Radical Israeli settlers” because a simple “Israelis” just won’t do, who “have expanded their attacks on aid trucks passing through the West Bank this month, blocking food from reaching Gaza as humanitarian groups warn that the enclave is sinking deeper into famine.”

Let’s unpack.

A comprehensive study by more than half a dozen prominent Israeli health and medical professors that was reported on Sunday concluded that the food aid delivered to the Gaza Strip was sufficient to meet the needs of the entire population. The researchers meticulously analyzed the food shipments that entered Gaza by land from January through April 2024, using data recorded by COGAT, the Defense Ministry unit responsible for coordinating aid supplies into the territory.

The report analyzed data from 14,916 trucks weighing 227,853.8 tons of food items, as recorded in the COGAT database from January to April. On average, 3,729 food trucks entered Gaza per month (124 per day). That’s more food trucks entering Gaza per day than before the war in January-September 2023 (100 trucks), the researchers noted.

In other words, if Gazans are suffering from anything it’s too much food. Of course, the report did not study food distribution and accessibility given the lack of reliable data. But we’ve all seen the hundreds of videos showing Hamas agents commandeering the humanitarian aid trucks, turning them into Hamas aid trucks.

Loveday Morris reported that the “assailants” employ a network of publicly accessible WhatsApp groups to monitor the trucks and orchestrate attacks. Drawing on tips from Israeli soldiers, police officers, and the public at large, those radical settlers scrutinize photographs to identify vehicles potentially transporting aid to Gaza. They then mobilize local supporters to intercept and obstruct those vehicles.

Facing pressure from the United States, Israel recently opened the Tarqumiyah crossing in Judea for aid trucks traveling to Gaza from Jordan, as well as for PA Arab businesses exporting food. The routes leading to this crossing pass by Israeli hilltop outposts whose residents have in recent months been able to alert other “radical settlers” when the Arab trucks are approaching.

There’s one piece of good news in Loveday’s report. She believes “The violence and vandalism, committed with near-total impunity, raises questions about the willingness of Israel’s security forces to restrain extremist settlers and protect Palestinians.”

Thank God, for once the IDF in Judea and Samaria is on the side of Jews – at least when soon to leave General Yehuda Fox is not watching or too busy demolishing the homes of reservists who are fighting in Gaza. Loveday even cited a female soldier who told her, “It’s not our job to stop them, it’s our job to protect them.” Loveday also reported that an Israeli police officer joined the “radical settlers” when they needed a tenth for a minyan.

Recent days have witnessed increased efforts to safeguard the aid trucks by left-wing activists who formed a “humanitarian guard” at the crossing, pressuring the police to ensure its proper functioning, according to Alon-Lee Green, head of Standing Together, the organization spearheading this campaign.

It must be nice for the leftists to see that their months of uninhibited assaults on public order in Israel in an attempt to derail the government’s judicial reform have taught a new sector of Israelis that no one gives a hoot about public order in our country, and if you wish to burn down a truck going to feed your enemies – burn, then baby, burn.

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