Presence In Residence

If you analyze the overall structure of the Mishkan (and Beit HaMikdash) you see that it is layered according to the level of holiness.

My Father

Several minutes after entering the hospital room, my father gave a tremor that sent them running for help from the nurse's station. The nurse called the doctor. The doctor told them that my father's systems were closing down, hinting that perhaps the respirator plug should already be pulled.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 123

As she continued to share experiences of caring for her son, I also shared different chapters that I had written about caring for my husband during his decline. In spite of her belief that her challenges were unique, I had a chapter written for almost every problem she was facing.

The Dayan’s Brother-In-Law

What difference does that make? asked Mr. Isaacs. You’re not a relevant party to the case. Mr. Weintraub is not related to any of the relevant parties: lender, borrower, or guarantor!

Who’s Got You?

If the extremely wealthy are worried about the financial well-being of their descendants, how much more so should regular people be worried.

Daf Yomi

Withholding The Rod ‘A Rebellious Son Never Occurred And Never Will’ (Sanhedrin 71a)

Learning A New Language: Speaking To Your Tween

Suddenly, it may start to feel like your like child does not want to speak to you at all. And this is especially difficult at this age since you may feel an even more pressing need to support and protect them as they gain independence.

Pouring Salt On The Wound, The U.S. Legal System Stymies Terror Victims

In essence, the cases are not about the actual terror attacks, apparently all are in agreement that the PLO and PA bear responsibility, but about the legality of bringing terror’s sponsors and supporters before U.S. courts. And there lies the rub.

Jewish Professor’s Anti-Israel Propaganda – A Substantive Response

Facts are important, but numbers are not the full story. If five villages were attacked or 20 were attacked it would still be an issue. The big picture is that these charges against the Jewish residents of J&S have no basis in reality, Freedman was not quoting an eye witness, and these false accusations can and have resulted in real harm to individual Jews and to the State.

Investing Superpowers

Investors also possess superpowers that can help them overcome financial challenges. If implemented, they can help families – even those with modest incomes – achieve wealth and prosperity.

Shtar Hatana’im Or Shtar Hatno’im?

The song is about a “shtar tena’im – an engagement contract between a chatan and kallah, a groom and a bride. And we’re going to talk about this song and explain it. What a beautiful song!

Q & A: Reciting Shema Yisrael With The Congregation (Part II)

Question: As I came into the synagogue, they were about to recite Keri’at Shema. I had as yet not put on my tefillin. What should one do in that situation? A Reader Via E-mail

Dear Dr. Yael

Share your own experiences with overcoming challenges to show vulnerability and resilience.

Orthodox Teacher Says Twitter Must Do More To Protect Targeted Jewish Profiles

In a previous interview with The Jewish Press, Lax said he was falsely accused of discrimination since he stood up against antisemitism and would be exonerated. In October of 2023, an eight-month investigation found no evidence of any wrong-doing by Lax.

An Ancient Hebrew Edition Of The Ancient Prophets

This inaugural printed Hebrew edition of the Prophets, with Kimhi’s scholarly annotations, was produced in 1485 by the esteemed Joshua Solomon ben Israel Nathan Soncino. This edition, which predates the Soncino family’s migration to Casal Maggiore, marked the completion of the family’s premier Biblical publication.

Alternatives To Higher Education

Rabbi Shimon’s original position was by no means a majority opinion. By comparison, Rabban Gamliel, son of Rabbi Judah HaNasi, said: Torah study is good together with an occupation, for the exertion of them both makes sin forgotten. All Torah study that is not joined with work will cease in the end, and leads to sin (Pirkei Avos 2:2).

Dates Are Just A Number

Take a deep breath. You are doing so well. Dating someone you like, and feeling positive about your dates is huge. Everything was going nicely until your sister’s blanket statement about timelines and expectations through you off course.

Jews Enslaved

When Israel enslaves their own brothers, they are also enslaving G-d’s very image and likeness on earth.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Horowitz Family – From Toronto To Bet Shemesh

While it was officially temporary, they viewed it as a full-on move, making the effort to settle and live their daily lives as if this was a long-term move.

The Wondrous Mitzvah Of Tefillin (Part II)

This message of hope – that all is not lost and that one can always climb back from a spiritual morass without needing years to do so – is a vital lesson that is important to remember every day of our lives. This is one of the reminders of the tefillin.

Mishpatim: A Social Blueprint

A society is only as stable and moral as its commitment to protecting its most vulnerable members. Therefore, the laws in Mishpatim repeatedly return to the treatment of slaves.

Why I Am Running As An Aish Ha’am Delegate For The WZO Congress

Seeing the anger and hostility towards Israel and Jewish people around the globe blew my mind. It was maddening trying to explain why Hamas was evil to so many companies and individuals. I was in shock.

A Bracha For You

One is not promised that he will live longer than the number of years that he was destined to live. Rather, one who worships Hashem will live out his days.

Heartwarming Novel Inspired By NJ Resident Killed In Israel

In 1995, it was uncommon for Orthodox Jews to desire to donate organs. I think the decision to donate organs made a tremendous impact on the Jewish community to consider donating in the future, Wolf said.

Citroen: ‘The Jewish Henry Ford’ And Was Maurice Chevalier A Nazi Collaborator?

Captured by the Germans after being seriously wounded fighting for France during World War I, he was interned in a POW camp for two years, where he learned English from a fellow prisoner.

Shabbos: A Taste Of The World To Come

When we consider whether or not someone is an observant Jew, we usually ask whether he or she is shomer Shabbos. Why is this the defining feature of religious observance? What makes Shabbos a root mitzvah, why is its punishment so severe, and why do we see it as the measuring stick for all of Torah observance? What is the secret of Shabbos?

Out-Of-Control Spending In New York – But Lawmakers Want Additional Money

While the governor offers highlights of her budget plan, the devil is always in the details, which are contained in a 142-page budget book.

How Desire Becomes Doctrine

Clothing serves as a metaphor for how a human is cloaked. Just as clothes cover the body, the body itself is a kind of cloak for the soul.


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