Original Historic Documents Regarding The U.N.’S Recognition Of Israel
The odds against Israel seemed daunting, and many experts believe that it never would have made it through the Ad Hoc Committee (and ultimately, through the General Assembly) but for a passionate two-plus hour speech on May 5, 1949 by Abba Eban, Israel’s designee, to plead its cause.
Why Are There Two Sets Of Luchos?
While the general juxtaposition of the mitzvos on the right and left sides of the Luchos carries fundamental significance, there is a powerful connection between the specific commandments on each side as well.
Jewish Representation In Hollywood Honored At Alice Tully Hall
Josephs said it was hashgacha pratis (divine providence) that she realized there wasn’t a group to fight for Orthodox and Jewish representation and that she was able to do so. She noted that positive Jewish representation is a kiddush Hashem.
A Light Unto Nations: The Enduring Legacy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
In these turbulent times, we can only imagine the wisdom he might have shared, the guidance he would have offered. His voice is profoundly missed, especially now when his words could have offered clarity and hope.
Beckoned By My Namesake
Since the political climate is now propitious toward Jewish interests, we need to be proactive.
Trump Immigration Rules – A Proposal
These illegals cannot be expected or trusted to integrate into our society as law abiding residents, and so should never be rewarded for their initial or subsequent unlawful behavior.
Don’t Shoot The Messenger
Our Gemara on amud beis notes that most people who fall ill eventually recover. This observation has legal implications in cases where a person on their deathbed bequeaths their estate to someone else, but later recovers.
President Trump And Israel
There can be no uncertainty about the message that President-elect Trump’s appointments to his Middle East-related team has sent to Israel’s friends and foes alike.
Pecking Away
We would like to serve Hashem with a clear mind, when we feel relaxed and calm. In fact, to some degree we expect that when we try to do what is right, G-d should ensure that life is smooth and easy. After all, if we are trying to do His Will, shouldn’t He at least make it convenient to do so?!
Proof Of Ownership
The field of Efron had a bad reputation; it was said to be haunted. Anyone happening to wander into the field reported encountering a demon wielding a sword. As viable real estate it was worthless.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Rivka Schwartz
Torah Judaism makes all sorts of demands on us; of practice and belief, of moral stances that conflict with the culture around us. We have to contend with them, and prepare our children to contend with them.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll
Rivka. The name of my grandmother. A Holocaust survivor, a partisan, and a rebuilder of worlds.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Solly Hess
We must be careful not to limit Rivka’s legacy to a few highlights – the switch of the blessings, her zerizus in helping Eliezer – we must see the big picture and understand the foundational role she played in our history.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Anat Coleman
I was relieved to study the parsha further as an adult and have the opportunity to re-explore what may have actually occurred to/with Rivka.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Sharona Halickman
Rivka didn’t gloat to Yitzchak about the prophecies that she received. She learned from her prophecies and from her life experience about what needed to be done in order to insure proper continuity.
Gov. Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Ping Pong
At all events New Yorkers should not be fooled. And they must remember all of this political legerdemain, and hold the offending officeholders to account should they again run for office.
May One Defend Israel (Online Or In Conversations) From Purely Technical/Historical/Legal Perspectives, Without Invoking...
It is important that, in addition to our divine mandate, our presence in Eretz Yisrael is justified according to broadly accepted principles of justice and fairness.
NYT Still At It: Demonizing Trump Supporters
There is nothing here even close to the insinuated quid pro quo that Mr. Trump got their message and determined to act in accordance with it.
The Cycle of Life Continuing
When Hashem created the world and mankind, He intended for there to be peace and harmony amongst all with holiness, goodness and truth to rule over the whole world.
A Gift That Keeps On Giving
So, although on this occasion I had initially decided to go as a favor for a visiting friend, in the end it was I who gained the most from the mitzvah.
Dementia Diary – Chapter 109
When we were young, we never believed that we would one day be 70 years of age, much less over 90. It all arrives too quickly. One day we wake up and wonder who the person staring back at us in the bathroom mirror, might be.
Out Of Line
According to their misguided logic, life must have a seder – a specific order – with the oldest getting married first, followed by younger siblings. However, their thinking is so illogical.
Zoom Conference
I understand that you now want two copies, Levi said. However, you already told Shimon to give your Ketzos to me, so now it’s mine. You can’t retract unilaterally!
Twice Expectational
A perfect case of a child who was twice exceptional is Albert Einstein. Even though Einstein was brilliant when it came to visual and spatial reasoning, as a child he had behavioral problem, was a terrible speller, and had trouble verbally expressing himself.
Daf Yomi
The Priest Forbade Chametz
‘Acquired By Admission’
(Bava Basra 149a)