The First Hebrew Mention Of The New World

The most significant of Farissol’s writings is Igereth Orchoth Olam, a comprehensive cosmographic and geographic work based on original research and the studies of Christian and Arab geographers.

Why Do People So Dislike Tachanun

More than one scholar has noted the absence of self-critique in ancient literature of all peoples except the Jews.

Amalek Lives

Today, besides Hamas, Hezbollah, and Ayatollah Khamenei, we are hated by U.N. officials and innumerable college faculty, students, commentators, journalists, and government officials around the world.

Nothing Wasted

Etching the Torah in our hearts and minds takes an enormous investment of effort and time. We may fear that the long hours we spend on it displaces the time we need to meet our surrounding responsibilities, our commitment to work, to family etc. Miraculously, however, nothing gets displaced.

The Keyboard Warrior Fighting For Israel – One Email At A Time

Feder estimates that 10-12 email campaigns are launched each day by her team in response to efforts by the other side. Most arguments are quite detailed, clearly laid out, and professionally sourced with links. When questioned whether their length could be a hindrance, she replies that they are purposely written like legal briefs because We need recipients to have all the necessary information to make difficult, important decisions.

Rosh Chodesh Nissan And The Light That Comes Into Our Universe: Mishkenei Elyon (Conclusion)

The innermost aspects of being are revealed in the interior of the Tent of Meeting in the Mishkan, or in the Hechal (or sanctuary) of the Beit HaMikdash.

In Debate, Jewish Professor Refuses To Call Hamas A Terrorist Organization

In the debate with Beinart, Lax said the charge of apartheid is wrong and that the status of those who live in what is called the West Bank is not based on race but on citizenship vs. non-citizenship.

A Bracha For You And Your Family

With the mitzvah of tzedakah, there is the possibility of saving oneself even as the ship is beginning to sink. The mitzvah of tzedakah is especially unique in that it can protect the individual even if a Heavenly decree has already been issued to the contrary.

Haggadahs For Pesach 2025

With each passing year, more and more Haggadahs are being printed – and that trend continues in 2025. Here are a few that can enhance your Seder.

In Pursuit Of Chometz (Part II)

I will learn the art of saying I’m sorry, showing that I empathize with the damage I’ve done and demonstrating that I’m making concrete corrections so that it won’t happen again. This is very different than the But, I said I’m sorry already approach!


You like him. You really do. You have had a great time together. You connected. Your parents did extensive research. They know he has qualities that they felt made him worthy of you. You have spent time together. Now, trust yourself. Trust the process.

The Antisemitism Of William T. Sherman – And His Great Admiration For A Jewish...

It is fascinating to note that, notwithstanding his antisemitism, Sherman was a great admirer of Rose Eytinge (1835-1911), a Jewish-American actress and author who rose to become one of the most popular female stars of the 1860s and 1870s and the first American actress to earn a three-figure salary.

The Power Of Perspective: Broad Vs. Narrow Thinking

If one believes in a Divine plan and the natural ups and downs of life, they will feel less anxious and hypersensitive.

NY’s Non-Citizen Voting Issue: ‘Woke’ Bellwether

What rankles the most in this episode is not the sheer counter-intuitiveness of it all. It is that the law flies directly in the face of explicit governing provisions of the New York State Constitution.

The Beis HaMikdash: A Place Of Connection

We all yearn for connection: to ourselves, to other people, and, of course, to Hashem. But connection is difficult; it requires time, patience, and constant effort. Genuine communication takes a lifetime to achieve.

When We Are Good

The first generations of men made such sinful choices. Eventually, their sins corrupted the entire world. When man lost his way, other creatures followed suit. This man-induced reality caused Hashem to wash away all living beings.

Agudah Lobbies For Additional Funding In State Budget

The strong showing of advocates in Albany as well as the clear message Agudah presented was met with praise from dozens of state legislators.

Word Prompt – SHEVATIM – Daniel Finkelman

We each have our own characteristics and prefer our own path of worship. Our paths are unique to ourselves, but here is where we differ from angels: angels cannot veer from their characters, we can.

Word Prompt – SHEVATIM – Keshet Starr

In many ways, the twelve tribes are a beautiful symbol of Jewish unity; twelve different groups within a larger nation, each contributing in their own way.

Word Prompt – SHEVATIM – Bari Mitzmann

Each of my children has different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. With Hashem’s help, they will all find their own individual paths.

Word Prompt – SHEVATIM – Lenny Solomon

The picture will become clearer when Moshiach comes. In the meantime, let’s daven and pray for an easier time and a redemption of mercy for the people of Israel!

Word Prompt – SHEVATIM – Hillel Fuld

Interestingly, the word shevet is spelled the same way in Hebrew as other words including the month of Shevat, and the Hebrew word for cloning.

Remembering Rabbi Eliyahu Fink, z”l – A Light of Torah, Dialogue, and Compassion

But beyond his public platform, Rabbi Fink was someone who offered a listening ear and genuine friendship, particularly to those who felt overlooked.

Far, Yet Still Close: OU Study Yields Surprising Findings About Orthodox ‘Leavers’

Indeed, many of those interviewed reported maintaining select Jewish practices such as davening or Shabbat dinner, even if not necessarily within a halachic framework, and staying connected with Orthodox family members and friends and with their Jewish identity generally.

Blinded By Love

Shlomo HaMelech is teaching that chinuch is not just about compliance, but more about instilling values into our children’s souls, so that it becomes part of them for life.

Judges: To Impeach Or Not To Impeach

At this point, without any such impeachment issue yet before the high court, there should be no doubt that it was ill-advised for U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts to have intervened, as he did last week, with a public statement declaring that an impeachment would be improper...

Between Purim And Pesach

Hashem will show me the way, though I don't know how it will happen. But I know in my heart, that I am meant to return.

Don’t Walk Away

It is not enough for a person to act with integrity; they must also ensure that their actions are above suspicion, that their intentions are transparent, and that their purity of conduct is unmistakable.


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