Oral Matters: The Rechovot Hanahar Siddur

The name Rechovot Hanahar (Streets of the River), derived from its mention in Bereishit 36:31, was interpreted by Kabbalah as referring among other things to the period before Creation, and was also tied to names such as Nahar Shalom – one of the famous books by the Rashash himself.

Hamas: The Essence Of Darkness In The World

The entirety of the Gaza population, under Hamas’s rule, has become part of this deadly philosophy. One cannot ignore the reality that Hamas, as the governing body, has indoctrinated its people with a worldview that is grounded in violence.

Q & A: A Mechalel Shabbat In A Minyan (Part IV)

Question: I live in a small community where it is sometimes a struggle to get a minyan together. When this occurs on Shabbos, it is extremely upsetting. I am so concerned that I was wondering – may we ask some of the non-observant Jews who live in the neighborhood to join us to complete a minyan? Name withheld Via E-mail

Israel’s Right And Left Reflected In Its Music

Interesting fact: Go on Google or Wikipedia and search for the famous picture of Sadat and Begin in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem when he came to visit Israel. Look closely at his tie and see the pattern. What symbol is repeating on his tie? (Hint: Swastika.)

Dear Dr. Yael

As a grandparent, it is definitely a huge gift to give your children time to get away; however, you also have to know your limits.

I Knew This Day Would Come…

Prisoner releases are a terror victim’s nightmare.

Jewish Chessboard: Israel Becomes A Pawn In The Arcane World Of Geopolitics

It has now become apparent that before Trump had officially taken office, he was already bullying the Jewish state into accepting compromises that were contraindicative to its survival. I’m afraid, all of this points to an elephant in the room that must no longer be ignored.

The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part IX)

Even a katan has enough da'as to qualify as a rodef; by engaging in this type of act, the katan shows that he has at least some form of da'as.

Be Real

Reflect on the moments where he yelled or screamed. You may notice that there are even more instances than you originally noticed.

Too Much Love/Hate As We Ponder The Inauguration

Kinas sofrim (the envy of scholars) can actually be a good thing; it’s the Torah phrase for healthy competitiveness in the learning of Torah, to fight for the truth.

Devin (Velvel) Freedman Wins Defamation Case Against CNN On Behalf Of Navy Veteran

The case revolved around whether the TV segment and article using the phrase black market would lead people to think Young was doing something illegal and or preying on Afghans.

Freedom And Truth

Outside the promised land Jews in the biblical age are in danger if they tell the truth. They are at constant risk of being killed or at best enslaved.

The Language Of Redemption

It is possible to be enslaved but not to suffer brutality, and also to be tormented without being a slave.

The Great Unknown

The families of our hostages are preparing for two very different outcomes. Some will undoubtedly celebrate in triumph when living hostages are released while others will mourn in anguish upon receiving the worst of news. No outsider can possibly imagine the complex emotions these families will carry and how they are intertwined in a way beyond words.

Not By Bread Alone

The soldiers, who receive the packages, send back lots of appreciation and feedback, to help make the packages more relevant to their needs.

Classified Information

When a person is beleaguered with problems that disrupt his avodas Hashem and his Torah learning, he may ponder why he is suffering when his friend – who is not as devout – enjoys the good life, is well-to-do and at peace.

The New Pharaoh & Planning For Change

The best way to manage the inevitability of changing market dynamics is to plan ahead.

What’s Your Potential?

Reb Moshe asks, Why would we need someone coming out of a coma to teach us something so obvious?

Promises of Geulah

How often in ancient and contemporary Jewish history have we seen things become desperate before they improved? And yet we persevered and survived. And with this perseverance, our faith in G-d as our ultimate savior survived too.

Both Friends And Foes Should Lower Their Expectations For Trump 2.0

All Americans should support their president when possible and oppose him when necessary. Each side may need to do that in the coming years.

Florence Kahn, The First Jewish Congresswoman And The Antisemitism Of J. Edgar Hoover

As one of the very few women in Congress, Florence, never considered herself a feminist and was never seen as a suffragette.

How The Past Inspires Faith In The Future

The very experience the Avot lacked, their descendants had. The Jewish people in Egypt had the history of Hashem’s interactions with the Avot to build upon. He had fulfilled His promise to give the Avot the land of Israel, and they had successfully inhabited it.

Arctic Chill And A Warm Welcome: Trump Returns To Washington

It wasn’t a union of a superstar and his fans for the first time. It was a gathering of a father with his kids. The anxiety of all the chaos and crazy weather was a thing of the past. A calmness and familiarity settled over the entire arena, easily felt by even a rally first-timer like me.

Trump 47 And Israel

We suspect that much of it has been occasioned by Mr. Trump’s now famous threat that all hell will break out in the Middle East if the hostages were not released by the time of his inauguration.

Food Glorious Food All Around The Capital Complex In Albany

What Lester Chang did [to win his assembly seat in 2022] was good old-fashioned retail politics. He got young men, young women of high school age and college age out there. He went door-to-door.

Why Strive For Greatness?

Hashem was internally good, but He was not actively expressing this goodness by giving or doing good unto others. Hashem chose to express His capacity for doing good unto others by creating man, upon whom Hashem would bestow the ultimate goodness.

Laughter… Take Two!

They know that Mr. Trump didn’t like them much before they tried to assassinate him. They are probably going to find that he dislikes them MUCH more the second time around.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Remin Family – From Riverdale To Ramat Bet Shemesh

All of this led to the day that Jeffrey came home and told Daniella that he really felt the time had come to make aliyah. This time, they really talked it through.


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