Hitler’s Photographer And The Strange Case Of His ‘Jewish Daughter’

The story of the relationship between Hitler and Bernile had been generally unknown until the Alexander Historical Auction House auctioned this photograph to an anonymous, international buyer for a winning bid of $11,520 on November 13, 2018.

65 & 25: The Jewish Press And Rabbi Sholom Klass

Throughout the years, wherever I’ve traveled, I’ve met people who tell me they became religious through the pages of The Jewish Press. Others, who came from small communities devoid of a large Orthodox presence, have told me that as children they waited by their rural mailbox on Thursdays for The Jewish Press.

My Grandfather Lived By His Dream

My grandfather had a dream of starting a Jewish newspaper in English, to reach millions of Jews all over the world, to bring Torah into their homes, and to be a voice for them and the State of Israel. Together with my grandmother, they were able to achieve this dream, all the while remaining true to Torah and connected to Hashem.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Price Family – From Silver Spring To Efrat

When we got on the plane to make aliyah, the world was shut down and I didn’t know when I would see my family again. This was so difficult, especially since they had been so helpful to me in raising my son.

The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part IV)

The obvious question arises: what changes once the fetus leaves the womb? Why is it permitted to sacrifice the fetus to save the mother while the fetus is in utero, but the moment the fetus leaves the womb, we can't choose one life over another?

Do We Create Our Own Enemies?

Let us assume for a moment that the Avot knew for certain what the repercussions of rejecting Timna would be and that they were faced with a dilemma. If they accept her as a convert, it would conflict with the halacha, because she had an agenda.

Praying For Our Dear Son

How can I not thank Hashem deeply for protecting my beautiful Noam from this deadly attack?

Q & A: The Prayer Of Tal u’Matar On December 4 Or 5 In...

Question: Will you please explain why we begin to say the prayer of Tal u’Matar on the evening of December 4 or 5 – that is, based on the secular calendar? Also, if one traveled to Eretz Israel, where they start to say it earlier, what is he to do when he is there, and when he returns, if he returns before the time we normally commence to say in the Diaspora? Zelig Aronson Via Email

The Jewish Press Endorsements For November 5 General Elections

This year’s election cycle promises to be very close and yet very pivotal, especially in regards to the presidency and the choices of which party will control the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

The Jewish Press Endorses Donald Trump For President Of The United States

What the absence of an incumbent meant was that any accounting for Biden’s policies – and any possible course corrections – would come only as a result of how effectively the Trump campaign would be able to tie VP Harris to failed Biden decision-making.

Why Is Tucker Carlson Platforming A Holocaust Revisionist?

The message is that politics come before the safety of the Jews, Sheinkopf said.

The Truth About Charedim In The IDF

Hesder yeshivot go a long way toward debunking the secularization concern, but hesder yeshivot have also made various religious compromises. And philosophically, religious Zionist soldiers embrace certain nationalistic elements foreign to the charedi belief system.

Ralph Baer: The Jewish Holocaust Survivor Who Invented The Video Game

Over the course of his life, his inventions and over 150 U.S. and international patents have contributed to the advancement of military defense, including tracking systems for submarines, and to television technology, video gaming, electronic toys, and other electronic consumer products.

Chabad Facial Recognition Software

I couldn’t believe that I found myself among thousands of people and that that moment in time had been preserved, said Stern.

Jewish Press June 25 Primary Election Endorsements

In these divisive and highly partisan times, with hateful anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric on the rise in the halls of government and misbegotten values on the ascendancy, it is more important than ever that members of our community come out and vote.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Kramer Family – Aliyah From West Hempstead

Sam laughs that she was on every WhatsApp group, watched every NBN video and asked questions to everyone she knew.

Is It Proper To Attend A Non-Jewish university?

As with every question, the proper answer begins with "it depends."

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Arias Family – From Las Vegas to Moshav Shuva

It’s been a heavy year but we are trying to build ourselves back up within our new reality... It’s a crazy reality to look around the world and feel that they’ve scrolled past while we have real family and friends still over there; it’s all still very real and raw for us.

Are Yom Ha’atzmaut And Yom Yerushalayim ‘Halachic’ Holidays?

The Chatam Sofer concludes that establishing a festival to mark a miraculous event is a biblical requirement, and one who does not do so is in violation of not performing a positive commandment (Teshuvot Chatam Sofer, YD 233).

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Samters – From North Woodmere to Modiin

We felt it was an obligation that we speak about in our tefillot every day. We ask to be here and if we can make it work, we should be here.

The Machine Matzah Controversy: A History – Rabbis, Matzah, and Invention

The Ksav Sofer also dismissed the square matzah concern by stating, In the merit of the four-cornered matzos, may Hashem redeem us from the four corners of the earth.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Rosenbergs – From Dallas to Beit Shemesh

The challenges of making aliyah on a short timeline and in the midst of lockdown were many, but Tali says, Once we made the decision, Hashem carried us on His back to our new life...

The Most Important Financial Decision: Who You Decide To Marry

I share this dose of reality: You don’t get a pass on math. If you do not have a high household income, you can’t live an extravagant lifestyle. You will need to make compromises on where and how you live.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/features/features-on-jewish-world/hitlers-photographer-and-the-strange-case-of-his-jewish-daughter/2025/02/12/

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