Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Horowitz Family – From Toronto To Bet Shemesh
While it was officially temporary, they viewed it as a full-on move, making the effort to settle and live their daily lives as if this was a long-term move.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Price Family – From Silver Spring To Efrat
When we got on the plane to make aliyah, the world was shut down and I didn’t know when I would see my family again. This was so difficult, especially since they had been so helpful to me in raising my son.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Remin Family – From Riverdale To Ramat Bet Shemesh
All of this led to the day that Jeffrey came home and told Daniella that he really felt the time had come to make aliyah. This time, they really talked it through.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Savery Family – From London To Ramat Beit Shemesh
As much as they had a rich life in England, the Saverys didn’t give up on their dream of aliyah (even though eight years later, no one believed they would actually make it!).
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Mischel Family – From Livingston To Efrat
Among Elie’s aliyah perks: I don’t have to wear a tie or suits anymore and I recently graduated and got permission from my wife to wear sandals (no socks!) and my feet are finally able to breathe. They’ve needed to breathe now for a long time!
Curing The Crunch: MedEx Fast-Tracks Doctors From Around The World To Work In Israel
Due to doctors reaching the age of retirement, the aging of the population, and other factors, Israel is experiencing a shortage of doctors which has become more acute since October 7.
New Real Estate Tax Rates: Beneficial For Olim?
As expected, numerous government ministers lauded the new law as a means of embracing new immigrants and encouraging aliyah, and – also as expected – some members of the media have protested that this benefit will result in the loss to the government of millions of shekels.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Bienenfeld Family – From Riverdale, To Ra’anana, To Carmei...
The initial big holdback for her was leaving her family and Atara and Zach have been amazed that so many of their family members have moved to Israel since their arrival.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Kalish Family – From Silver Spring To Neve Shamir
As olim, we envision moving to Israel for the reasons described in Masechet Sotah in the discussion of why Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to enter Eretz Yisrael. Either for mundane reasons like eating the fruits of Eretz Yisrael and swimming in the Kineret... and be a more fulsome Jew in Eretz Yisrael.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Kramer Family – Aliyah From West Hempstead
Sam laughs that she was on every WhatsApp group, watched every NBN video and asked questions to everyone she knew.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Arias Family – From Las Vegas to Moshav Shuva
It’s been a heavy year but we are trying to build ourselves back up within our new reality... It’s a crazy reality to look around the world and feel that they’ve scrolled past while we have real family and friends still over there; it’s all still very real and raw for us.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Samters – From North Woodmere to Modiin
We felt it was an obligation that we speak about in our tefillot every day. We ask to be here and if we can make it work, we should be here.
Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Rosenbergs – From Dallas to Beit Shemesh
The challenges of making aliyah on a short timeline and in the midst of lockdown were many, but Tali says, Once we made the decision, Hashem carried us on His back to our new life...
Then and Forever
Parshat Lech Lecha, Vayera, and Chayei Sarah are the Torah portions of personal departure from America, and our arrival in Eretz Yisrael.
Tremping Rules of the Road
If you look like someone they wouldn't invite into their home, they won't invite you into their car.
Israel Offers Superior Services to “Special Needs” Olim
New and veteran immigrant (olim) families, who have a special needs child or adult at home in Israel have access to a variety of government and private sector outreach services, which a growing number of Anglo immigrants claim are superior to many services available in the USA.
US Queen of Kosher: “I’m a Jewish Person and it’s the Jewish Homeland, and...
With great emotion and to the joy of Jewish foodies throughout the world, the Queen of Kosher cooking is coming home to rule the roast/roost.
Nefesh B’Nefesh Landing Ceremony
Watch the live feed from the airport as your family & friends LIVE as they arrive in Israel as new Olim!
Mazal Tov! The Weddings In Israel
For Israel's Anglo olim (immigrants), the name Givat Shmuel conjures up a marriage scene to rival that of New York's Stern University for Women. Home to hundreds of young English-speakers studying at the adjacent Bar-Ilan University, Givat Shmuel has produced a vibrant, growing community of overseas students – and a reputation for their enthusiastic coupling. Each year, the community watches as many new couples are formed, engagements are announced and weddings are celebrated.
Jewish Press Radio: Snow! Vandalism on Mt. of Olives and Ultra-Orthodox IDF Soldiers
Yishai and Malkah talk about their excitement for snow in Israel, an Arab rock-throwing attack against American Legislators, an ancient Judean palm tree grows today, the expiration of a law allowing ultra-Orthodox Jews to avoid military service, and Yishai’s Tu B’Shevat Seder in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York.
Nefesh Conference Nourishes Mind, Body And Soul
As we become more aware of and willing to face the various maladies of a psychological nature that face us as a community, we also become more concerned about who is treating us.
New Immigrant Real Estate Quest Is Determined By a Variety of Issues
The wave of Anglo immigration to the Jewish State during the past decade has played a key role in changing the demographic complexities of...
“Think Israel Summit” – Strengthening Israel Identity for Young Professionals and Singles
More and more young singles are realizing that their future is in Israel