Facets of Torah

The author, with some reluctance, calls out three groups of individuals who – in his opinion – respond to tragedies in a manner that is inconsistent with Torah and Jewish philosophy.

Heartwarming Novel Inspired By NJ Resident Killed In Israel

In 1995, it was uncommon for Orthodox Jews to desire to donate organs. I think the decision to donate organs made a tremendous impact on the Jewish community to consider donating in the future, Wolf said.

Rediscovering Rabbi Norman Lamm, The Lamdan

A hallmark of Rabbi Lamm’s scholarship was his synthesis of halacha and aggadah. For Rabbi Lamm, these were not separate spheres but complementary dimensions of a unified Torah.


The book opens with Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin's observation of the Rogatchover. He writes that the Rogatchover was made of a completely different mold and material, and notes that no one was like him in his generation or in many generations before or after him.

Shining Light On The Haters

What makes this book truly remarkable is its brazenness. Rabbi Shore does not shy away from controversial topics, diving headfirst into the uncomfortable task of analyzing the mindset and internal logic of Adolf Hitler.

Contemplating Our Faith

While Rabbi Student does create space for opposing voices, he ensures that the positions explored are all in the spirit of the beit midrash – striving to uncover the deeper meaning of core beliefs.

The Path To Health – A Mind-Body-Soul Approach

Instead of only looking at “us” as good and “them” as bad, we need to examine our own choices. What’s inside our hearts and minds? Are we living well? Are we eating well? Are we distracted?

The Reciprocal Impact of Jews and America

The book is recommended to anyone fascinated by the ironies and serendipities that make up early Jewish-American history.

Getting More Intimately Acquainted with Onkelos

Onkelos was always heroic in my mind. Before sitting down to write about the book, I couldn’t resist this opportunity to check how accurately I remembered the stories of my youth.

One Hundred Years Of Arab Warfare Against Jewish Civilians

Schwartz also skillfully shows the vicious similarities between the Arab massacres of Jews in Mandate Palestine in the 1920s and the Arab massacre of Jews in southern Israel on October 7, 2023.

A Book I’m Thinking About: The Complete And Caring Life Of Rav Menachem Mendel...

For those ignorant or confused with the Lubavitcher movement’s beginnings and dynasty, Rebbe weaves its history into a beautiful and comprehensive tapestry.

Bridging Science And Torah

Reading this book has helped direct my attention to seek out Hashem’s wisdom in the mundane.

Deep Thoughts On The Chagim

We feel insincere and shallow during the Days of Repentance, and therein lies the problem. Do we really believe we can change? Do we even know what we are looking for?

An Introduction To Izhbitzer Philosophy

The book is essentially a survey of the work of the entire Izhbitz library, of both the direct descendants and students.

The Jewish Meditation Companion

Rabbi Juskowitz shares many insightful Torah ideas throughout the book, but the idea I most connect with is his discussion about the dichotomy of Jewish practice and faith, and how it relates to Jewish meditation.

A Laudable Alternative To A Two-State Solution

The failed experiment of Gaza, which could have been a prosperous little Palestinian state, but was instead made an armed camp for attacks on Israel proves the point.

A Visually Delightful And Original Examination Of Jewish Holidays

The first unique aspect of Sacred Time is its cover image. While the popular adage tells us not to judge a book by it cover, thought certainly goes into what will grace a book’s cover. After all, this is the first thing a potential reader will see.

Reinterpreting Misunderstood Aggadic Women

Cursory glances at Talmudic texts are prone to misunderstanding and misreading, which is why many view the Talmudic rabbis as misogynists. Fine is a close and astute reader of these Talmudic texts and shows how many initial Aggadic impressions of these women can often be misread.

Women Inspiring Women

Toras Imecha makes a wonderful coffee table book or gift that demonstrates to all women what they can aspire to.

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Peshat…

He takes the reader on a dazzling historical tour of all those before and after Maharal who objected to the second class status of the study of Tanach and the monopoly that Gemara held over the hours of instruction.

A Non-Cynical View Of Halachic ‘Loopholes’

Cynicism is corrosive. It affects your faith in leaders, in friends, in family and even in G-d. A more sober look at the so-called halachic loopholes shows that rabbis are deeply concerned with following the divine will.

A New Way To Look At Vidui

Rav Weinberg does not leave us feeling lacking. With each entry, he helps to instruct us how we can go about repairing our mistakes, be they between each of us and our fellow, between us and G-d, or between us and ourselves.

Detection At Its Finest

A book is successful if you care about the characters and you’re caught up in the plot. This book meets those and many other qualifications for a gripping mystery and a wonderful read!

Shofar Stories

While these stores often have hundreds of shofars for sale, the book has stories about towns that lacked even a single shofar. And it was not that long ago that such things happened.

A Formula For Life

We need to understand that all the pain and anguish we experience is for the good. We then need to pave a path forward with this knowledge in our hearts.

Examining The Oral Torah

Despite its somewhat technical subject matter, Divrei Soferim was a fairly easy book to get through. I found many of the questions raised and topics discussed fascinating even if I could not recall all of them several weeks after completing the book.

Where Does the Oral Torah Come From? And Can It Change?

The reason the book carries this range of approbations is because it cuts across typical boundaries, blending traditional approaches to the development of the Oral Torah or Torah she-baal peh with up-to-date historical and legal scholarship from the academy.

Book Review: Jan Grabowski, On Duty: The Polish Blue & Criminal Police in the...

The book is a quest to explain how these Polish policemen transformed into lethally proficient cold-blooded murderers of their own countrymen,

Book Review: The Issue of Return

Why are there still Arab “refugees” from a war that ended 70 years ago?

Rabbi Berkovits On Megillat Ruth

The challenge in modifying halachic practices is that it can often be akin to modifying DNA. While the outcome can have horrifying consequences, Judaism has only survived by adapting to new circumstances while keeping its core the same.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/books/book-reviews/facets-of-torah/2025/02/27/

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