Book Review: Redeeming Relevance in the Book of Vayikra, by Rabbi Francis Nataf

Seen through Rabbi Nataf’s eyes, however, the seemingly divided text of Vayikra becomes a cohesive whole.

Stories Of Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer

It is appropriate that Rabbi Kelemer, who seemed bigger than life in his piety, modesty, and sensitivity, should be commemorated by someone who writes such that alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia, and metaphor are all present in one sentence.

Selichos As Heartfelt Prayer

that Selichos should be seen as more than a mere recitation but as a heartfelt prayer, as not just strict objective discipline but as exalted subjective romance.

A New Guide To Practice And Halacha In Mourning

These topics lead to a sizable 600-plus page volume, but the book is incredibly well organized, allowing ease of reading for one who is studying the topic for a quick search for a particular halacha.

A Haggadah That Keeps Everyone Engaged

Written in a question-and-answer format to pique the interest of “teens and adults,” the questions can seem to come from left field.

Remember The Holocaust

"Hate is easy; it takes real courage to love."

A Darker Side Of Jewish History

The author shows that when it comes to Jewish involvement in theft, the Jews themselves were not typically the ones engaged in stealing or robbing. Rather, they often served as fences, acting as middlemen between thieves and the eventual buyers of stolen goods.

To Dream The Impossible Dream

Ashira Greenberg is a pretty, talented and articulate young lady who, at the tender of age of seventeen, has just published a book.

A Heroic Life

He powerfully argues against the stereotype of Jews marching like sheep to the gas chambers: The great majority remained honest, dignified, pristine and heroic…

Title: The Lion Cub of Prague: Thought, Kabbala, Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh – The...

Rabbi Yehuda Loewe of Prague, known as Maharal, was one of the greatest lights that G-d has given to the Jewish people. Halachic authority and active communal leader, linguist and grammarian, philosopher and mystic, master of the totality of rabbinic literature and conversant in the arts and sciences as well, Maharal revealed new depths to the words of Chazal and uncovered layers of meaning that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Re-Discover Your ‘Why’

One can only be a strong and effective team player to the extent that one has worked on oneself.

Repentance As Personal Re-Creation

Those who abstain from using newer methods will often cite the much quoted, and much misunderstood quip from the Chasam Sofer that chadash assur min haTorah – new is forbidden by the Torah. Yet the danger of using that approach is that they do miss out on the new approaches that do work.

Photographing Purim

Purim is a hopeful and mysterious time of victory over our enemies, and there is something triumphant about how Abeles captures the people in her photographs, like a young girl in a lavender dress who became Queen Esther, holding a scepter up in the sunlight.

Title: Lilmod Ulelamed

In my weekly Jewish Press column, “Dear Dr. Yael,” I occasionally recommend books that will enhance shalom bayis, parenting skills and the quality of the Shabbos table. Lilmod Ulelamed, eloquently written by Rabbi Mordechai Katz, is a newly revised and expanded version of the original that was published by Feldheim Publishers in 1978. It is a book that can truly improve your Shabbos table.

ZIONIST Underground Poet Rediscovered in New Book

“Stern’s spirit of freedom, pride, and sacrifice birthed the Jewish Insurgency and eventually its State, and, now in English, may well spark a revolution in the hearts and minds of the English-speaking Jewish world.”

Once More Into The Shidduch Crisis

Of course it is disingenuous to tell a person from a non-rabbinic, non-rosh yeshiva home to make an effort.

Masterful Mysteries

Even after the reader sits back contentedly on the couch with a smile, mystery solved, he is left with much more than a typical fast-paced kid’s read because the book contains very gripping and relevant information about the historical events and sites on which the stories are based.

The Personal Experience Of Prayer

Her book, or rather her slim booklet of around 20 pages, does not come to teach, prescribe or preach how Jewish prayer should look. Plenty of other books have been written for that purpose.

Toward A Deeper Understanding Of A Giant

With some exceptions, Talmudists had little in-depth knowledge of the Rav’s philosophical output, while his Talmudics were off the radar for philosophers.

Title: Power Bentching

Expressing gratitude to Hashem for all the bounty He provides us is a Biblical mitzvah that is incumbent upon men and women when they finish a meal. We call this "bentching," most commonly known as "Grace after Meals." Unfortunately, for many of us it has turned into the "Race after Meals."

Different From You And Me

“Have you forgotten your dreams?” The Hope Merchant asks a defeated and hopeless Lily when she “happens” upon his shop.

Toward Marital Bliss

Abusive men are usually on their best behavior before marriage. But they do provide clues.

Face To Face In 1948

In Culture Shock, readers will also come to identify with a culture from the other end of Orthodox Jewry’s spectrum.

The Complex Truth Of The Haskalah

In this scholarly study, Zilbergerts upends the conventional take on those early Modern Hebrew writers.

The Rav Kook You Never Knew

Following a brief biography of Rav Kook, Rav Sinclair proceeds to trace and then weave disparate strands from the abundant storehouse of Rav Kook’s thoughts, uniting and bringing these to bear on the subject matter to illuminate, for the English-speaking world, the breathtaking tapestry that is Shabbat Ha’Aretz.

Teaching Kids To Persevere

Sometimes the best thing you can do is the Hippocratic Oath of parenting: just try not to make things worse.

The Ups and Downs of Life in Israel (Book Review)

Choosing Life in Israel evinces what it means to be emotionally, spiritually, and viscerally drawn, as a Jew, to the siren song emitted by Israel.

Title: Lone Wolf in Jerusalem

Diskin paints with a historical brush, using historical names, places and facts to back up a richly embroidered fictional account that proves to be a page-turner one can’t put down.

Simchas Hachaim Publishes New Rabbi Avigdor Miller Sefer

It captures the love of the Jewish soul as only Shlomo Hamelech could portray it – and as only Rabbi Miller could explain it.

Bearing The Unbearable

She writes about the stigma and fear associated with dementia and the failure of religious communities, ordinarily admirable in their outreach to the sick and the needy, to step up to the plate.


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