Photo Credit: Martin Bodek

Title: The Shakespeare Haggadah: Elevate Your Seder with the Bard of Avon
By Martin Bodek
Paperback, 200 pages



‘Thou canst useth this as an actual Haggadah too, as the full Hebrew text be on the left, and Shakespeare’s rendering be on the right. So it readeth right, which sounds like it should beest the opposite, but it be not as confusing as thou mayest thinketh.’ – The Shakespeare Haggadah


Every year sees countless new Haggadahs come out. Most of them are traditional, and some of them are contemporary. Never one to settle into an ordinary category, author Martin Bodek wrote The Emoji Haggadah a few years back. And with his newest Haggadah, he might be the first two-time winner of the most original Haggadah award.

This year’s edition from Bodek is The Shakespeare Haggadah: Elevate Your Seder with the Bard of Avon Paperback. From the font that resembles William Shakespeare’s handwriting to countless references to Shakespeare’s plays, including some humorous commentary from Bodek in between, it will not take long for you to ask how this Haggadah is different from others.

Bodek’s translation of the Haggadah text makes you think you are reading out of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It is clear from the start that this is not your bubbe‘s Haggadah. However, for many who may not connect with a traditional Haggadah and want something different, they may find The Shakespeare Haggadah to be as they like it.

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Ben Rothke lives in New Jersey and works in the information security field. He reviews books on religion, technology, philosophy and science. Follow him on Twitter at @benrothke. His new book was just published: The Definitive Guide to PCI DSS Version 4: Documentation, Compliance, and Management.