Photo Credit: The Jewish Press

With each passing year, there are new haggadahs that come to print. This year is no different and the seforim stores are overflowing with new titles. There are so many this year that it would take months to go through all of them. For 2019, I found the following 5 haggadahs to be noteworthy.

Unlocking the Haggada – The Complete Haggada With In-Depth Commentary by Rabbi Shmuel Goldin (Gefen Publishing). An interesting guide to the Seder. Rabbi Goldin shows how the Seder is a richly developed event. This is an excellent resource for those needing an understanding of how to pull the Seder experience together, in order to make it an enjoyable and meaning one.


Faith and Freedom Passover Haggadah by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Berkovits (Urim Publications) (edited by Reuven Mohl). A noted philosopher, Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Berkovits’s haggadah, gleaned from his writings, provides unique insights into the theological aspects of the Seder. Rabbi Berkovits’s explanations of the root causes of anti-Semitism are especially insightful. This is a thought-provoking haggadah, from a fascinating thinker, and it is a great introduction to the philosophy of Berkovits, a generation after his death, to many people who may not be aware of him. (Editor’s Note: For a fuller treatment of this title, see here.)

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The Emoji Haggadah by Martin Bodek (KTAV Publishing). Bubby and Zaydie likely don’t know what emojis are. But The Emoji Haggadah makes for a great way for them to interact with their younger grandchildren.

The Fifth Question by Rabbi Judah Gross (Mosaica Press). Penetrating insights and linguist analysis into the haggadah and Seder. Gross digs deep and asks many perceptive questions. He does for Passover what he did for the Chumash in his previous work, A Deeper Dimension – A Fascinating Beneath-The-Surface Look at Life and Judaism through the Parashah.

Rav Schachter On The Haggadah (Feldheim) adapted by Dr. Allan Weissman. The brilliance of Rabbi Herschel Schacter is manifest and brought to light in every page in this remarkable haggadah. This is a haggadah with depth and breath that analyzes every aspect of the Seder and Passover. For those that want to understand the school of Brisk and Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik, this is an unparalleled haggadah for the English-speaking reader.

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Ben Rothke lives in New Jersey and works in the information security field. He reviews books on religion, technology, philosophy and science. Follow him on Twitter at @benrothke. His new book was just published: The Definitive Guide to PCI DSS Version 4: Documentation, Compliance, and Management.