Photo Credit: Urim Publications

Title: Transforming the World: The Jewish Impact on Modernity
By Leo Dee
Urim Publications




“Jews have transformed the world we live in, in ways that we can’t imagine.”

“I hope that this book will inspire generations of Jews to understand their role is the most important project of mankind, given to us by G-d Himself 3,500 years ago.”

And what is that project? To be happy and at peace and to bring happiness and peace to others by living life according to the Torah’s guidelines – the ultimate self-help guide.

Originally written in 2016, and republished in 2023, after the tragic death of Rabbi Leo Dee’s wife, Lucy, and their two daughters Maia and Rina, hy”d, who died Al Kiddush Hashem at the hands of two brutal Palestinian terrorists, during Pesach 2023, the message remains the same both before and after – it is a Jew’s role and privilege to transform the world. And that transformation begins and ends with living a Torah life and being a delegate for living that type of life.

Moreover, Dee shows us that the very foundation of our lives and the precepts we live by, our ethics, morals, and culture, our education, the worlds of physics, and science all emanate from the foundations of the Torah, whose basis serve as the norms of western society, and the secret to happiness and a meaningful life.

“Jewish life, with its focus on family, community, education, meaning, and rest is enriching, fulfilling, and gives us the potential to achieve our greatest happiness.”

Dee proves, in very simple and straightforward language, that the Torah, far from being an archaic and primitive document, is actually the blueprint for modern existence, and for a life of happiness and peace. Every law in the Torah is meant to help the Jews contribute to a meaningful life for all mankind.

I don’t usually notice book design except for maybe the cover. But, along with an appealing cover, this book is designed in a very user-friendly format, whose size and font make it easy reading.

I’ve read many books on the Torah, both for personal growth and as a book reviewer, and I was surprised at how much new information and perspective I gleaned from it, which makes Transforming the World as relevant for longtime Torah-observant Jews as for those to whom Torah Judaism is a new journey.

I can’t say anything more succinct or correct than Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks who wrote about it, “An engaging, accessible and enjoyable account of Judaism and its continuing relevance to the world…” And may I add, “and to each one of us.”

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