Title: The ArtScroll Children’s Pirkei Avos
Author: Shmuel Blitz
Illustrator: Chani Judowitz
Publisher: ArtScroll
I have three children, ages 4, 6, and 8. What I want most for my children is probably very similar to what all parents want: to be healthy, happy, successful, and good Jews. And if they become good Jews, I am confident they will be both happy and successful.
But how do I pull that off? That is the question that keeps me up many nights.
After looking through the brand-new The ArtScroll Children’s Pirkei Avos, by Shmuel Blitz, I realized the answer was right in front of my eyes, and this answer has been around for thousands of years.
Our Sages have told us exactly how we should act – and how our children should act – in Pirkei Avos, Ethics of the Fathers. It is perfect advice for anyone who strives to be a happy, successful person, and, of course, a good Jew. And that goes for kids as well as adults.
I glanced through the beautifully illustrated pages and I saw advice that spoke directly to me, such as the Sage Shammai’s teaching, “Make sure you set aside for yourself a set time to learn Torah. Talk a little, but do a lot. Greet everyone with a cheerful face.’’ Not only did these words speak directly to me, but I realized that this is exactly the advice and instruction that I want my children to be imbibing.
In his inimitable style, as he does with so many other classic works, Shmuel Blitz makes the text more understandable to children by adding his famous “Did You Know?’’ and “A Closer Look’’ features, which help make Shammai’s advice perfect for me to learn together with my children. As the book explains, “There is nothing more important than learning Torah. But we get busy with other things – school, family, friends, and work. Shammai teaches us that since learning is the most important thing we can do, we must make sure that we set up a specific time to learn Torah, otherwise we may forget to learn each and every day – or end up being too busy to learn.’’
This is what I want my 8-year-old to understand. This is the type of lesson I want my child to incorporate into his life.
I love this book, and I plan on spending the entire summer learning it, page by page, with each of my children.
It is hardly necessary to mention that just like in Shmuel Blitz’s other books, the illustrations are incredibly breathtaking.
I highly recommend this book for you, for your children, and for you and your children to learn together.