Beyond The Numbers: Retirement And Investing Lessons From My Zeidy
Little did he know that he taught me much more about investing and retirement planning than the training program at a major Wall Street bank early in my career.
Israeli Food Exports Gain Popularity as Economic Ties Expand in East Asia
East Asia-Japan, China, Vietnam- is a very promising new market for Israeli food products
Paying For A Wedding: When Machatanim Disagree
A caveat on my perspectives. My kids are not yet of marriageable age. My only wedding planning experience comes from my own nuptials. Although beyond showing up with a suit and kittel, and selecting a stellar mesader kedushin, my involvement was modest, and that’s being generous. My opinions, therefore, don’t stem from the details of planning.
Yaakov’s Blessings To His Children & Three Important Financial Lessons For Orthodox Families
For every bad financial experience regarding kollel, I imagine there are many positive ones. The most non-financially stressful kollel experience requires a Yissachar and Zevulun relationship that is clearly defined from the onset.
Name Dropping
As we approach the biggest travel period of the year, be open to striking up a conversation with the person standing in line with you before boarding, or seated next to you on the plane or bus.
The Importance Of Being Second
Although the environments in which Yosef finds himself are radically different, upon closer inspection, he plays a similar role in each of these situations.
My Commencement Address: 7 Ways to Build Your Human Capital
An open letter to recent college graduates.
The New Pharaoh & Planning For Change
The best way to manage the inevitability of changing market dynamics is to plan ahead.
Should I Incur Credit Card Debt To Pay Yeshiva Tuition?
While sacrifices need to be made to live a frum lifestyle, NO family should be expected to accumulate credit card debt to send their kids to yeshiva. It's the yeshiva’s responsibility to do more to help parents in this scenario!
Israeli Company Walks Away from Egyptian Gas Holdings, Owner Sells Yacht
Ampal-American Israel Corp decided to write off its entire 12.5 per cent investment in East Mediterranean Gas, the company that sold Egyptian natural gas to Israel before Egypt called off the exports. Ampal is controlled by Israeli tycoon Yossi Maiman, who put his yacht up for sale this week, as a belt tightening measure.
Creative Strategies for Giving Tzedakah
These trusts are a wonderful way to benefit charity and achieve a family’s retirement and estate planning goals in a tax advantaged manner.
Thanksgiving: A Time To Be Thankful (Even During Challenging Times)
No matter how challenging the environment, there is always reason for hope and items for which to be grateful. This is true for life as well as investing.
Affording A Frum Lifestyle: The Benefits Of Relocating
Housing is the obvious example of potential cost-saving by moving. I am always astounded when friends and clients in other parts of the country tell me how much they spend to purchase a new home.
Venture Capital Pioneer Dr. Erel Margalit and Other VIPs to Present at “Anglo-Israeli Empowerment...
Dr. Margalit founded the famed “Jerusalem Venture Partners” firm, which has raised over $1.1 billion in investment capital and spearheaded some of the most successful business ventures in Israel, the United States and Europe.
Israel GDP Expected to Grow More than US’s in Next 50 Years
Israel’s gross domestic product is expected to grow at a much higher annual rate than the United States for the next 48 years, according to a report by the OECD.
The Varied Career Path Of A Rabbi
How does one approach a career in a field with so many options, where it is unclear what step will come next, and how one’s career trajectory will play out?
Investment Strategy For Turbulent Times
It’s important to remember that this is not the first time that the world has been on edge.
Personal Finance Rules Of Thumb (With A Frum Twist)
This week I’ve decided to compile some popular rules of thumb to share with readers and offer my own thoughts on the relevance of each rule. Keep in mind that it’s OK if your personal situation doesn’t alight exactly with every rule.
Donald Trump Endorses Netanyahu for PM (Video)
Donald Trump, world-famous billionaire businessman, has officially endorsed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a video posted to YouTube.
Spending Money On Things Vs. Experiences
The importance of creating meaningful experiences is especially relevant as we approach the chagim.
Reflecting On The Past Year: 6 Lessons For Investing And Life
One of the biggest determinants of financial success is the ability to stick with a strategy through many different environments.
Is Spending Yeshiva Break In Florida Financially Prudent?
The rule of thumb is to have three to six months’ worth of expense money in your account as a cushion in case a need arises.
Should You Buy Nvidia
It’s possible Nvidia may continue to rise. It also may plummet like many of the aforementioned investments. The main point, and a good reminder for all investors, is: You will NOT win the investing lottery!
Back To The Basics: Using The “Bucket Approach” To Financial Planning
For any reader who made it through this article, congratulations! You now know more about financial planning than the overwhelming majority of your friends and fellow countrymen!
Keeping Up With The Goldsteins And The Importance Of An Investment Policy Statement
You will hear all about the investments on which your friends made a windfall but will never hear about the duds that cost them a fortune.
Hope Is Not An Investment Strategy
While we should all daven for divine intervention to protect us and help us make good decisions and achieve our goals, I find that, in the realm of personal finance, far too many people seem to rely solely on miracles to secure their financial future.
Yisro: History’s First Management Consultant
Next time you find yourself burdened by the weight of a task, know that you aren’t G-d and that it’s okay to ask for some assistance.
Israel: World’s Safest Place to Invest
Israel is the most likely country in the developed world to provide riskless returns on investments, according to a report in Bloomberg Businessweek.
Parshat Toldot: Financial Planning Lessons To Empower Future Generations And Avoid Family Conflict
In the realm of estate planning, if one son is in kollel and the other son is an investment banker, more money may be needed to support the former. The latter may appreciate a different type of non-financial support to help them achieve their full potential.
Bank of Israel: 15,000 Stolen Credit Cards Will Be Protected
The Bank of Israel assured the 15,000 Israelis whose credit card numbers were posted online by a group of Saudi hackers they they will not have to pay for fraudulent charges on their cards.