The Four Sons And Striving For Investment Simplicity
Sadly, there is no combination that is more dangerous to your nest egg than overconfidence mixed with a lack of experience.
Paying For A Wedding: When Machatanim Disagree
A caveat on my perspectives. My kids are not yet of marriageable age. My only wedding planning experience comes from my own nuptials. Although beyond showing up with a suit and kittel, and selecting a stellar mesader kedushin, my involvement was modest, and that’s being generous. My opinions, therefore, don’t stem from the details of planning.
Investment Strategy For Turbulent Times
It’s important to remember that this is not the first time that the world has been on edge.
Affording A Frum Lifestyle: Increase Your Household Income
You may be surprised how many companies would be open to having the right candidate work remotely regardless of their location.
What Should I Do With My 401(k) From A Previous Employer?
If you spent many years working for a company, it is possible that this pool of money is one of your most significant assets. Therefore, proper management of these funds is foundational to a successful retirement.
Creative Strategies for Giving Tzedakah
These trusts are a wonderful way to benefit charity and achieve a family’s retirement and estate planning goals in a tax advantaged manner.
Lech Lecha: The Oldest And Most Effective Financial Planning Strategies
I’m sure readers can point to their own parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents, who moved to this country to improve their respective circumstances. Whether it was to flee antisemitism and pogroms, or perhaps to find a job, moving has always been an effective financial planning strategy.
I’m Proud To Be An American Investor
The urban legend is that in honor of Haym Salomon's pivotal contributions the 13 stars, representing the colonies, on the back of the dollar bill were arranged in the shape of the Star of David.
Pesach Cleaning And Portfolio Maintenance
Taking the time to go through a checklist of items to ensure that your investments and financial plan are all up to date is imperative to achieving one’s goals.
The Destruction of Wealth: Six Wealth Killers Every Investor Should Avoid
Surround yourself with people who derive joy from other aspects of life beyond materialism to eliminate the feeling of constantly needing to keep up with friends in your community.
How Can So Many People Afford To Do Construction?
It’s always worth reminding yourself that wealth is what you don’t see. Houses, cars, fancy clothes, and the like are all visible things on which people spend money. What’s actually in their bank account is not advertised to the public.
The Thirteen Principles Of Wealth
Successful investing does not mean perfection. There is no perfect portfolio or time to invest in the market.
Should I Pay For The Young Couple’s Shana Rishona In Israel?
While you seem less enthusiastic about your son’s plans, your in-laws may be ecstatic about the idea. They may be more than willing to pick up the tab.
Yaakov’s Blessings To His Children & Three Important Financial Lessons For Orthodox Families
For every bad financial experience regarding kollel, I imagine there are many positive ones. The most non-financially stressful kollel experience requires a Yissachar and Zevulun relationship that is clearly defined from the onset.
Is Now A Good Time To Buy A Home?
Attempting to time your home purchase with the optimal market conditions is like trying to time when to invest in the stock market. In both situations, you will most likely not be successful.
Why My Year In Israel Was One Of The Best Investments I Have Ever...
The theme of living a Torah lifestyle became much more important to me and guides my decision-making process today.
Politics & Your Portfolio: Investment Dos And Don’ts During The Election Season
Do not rush to make investment decisions based on who the new president is. Take time to digest the information.
Beyond The Numbers: Retirement And Investing Lessons From My Zeidy
Little did he know that he taught me much more about investing and retirement planning than the training program at a major Wall Street bank early in my career.
The Reverse Obituary
I’m inspired by the people all over the world, Jews and non-Jews alike, who are donating time, money, supplies, and food, to help defend Israel.
Is College Still A Good Investment?
When I discuss college planning strategies with clients, I typically focus on how to afford these steep tuition costs.
Should We Be Concerned About Inflation?
If you are a few years from retirement or in retirement, inflation becomes a bigger concern. You may no longer have a paycheck, can’t take as much risk with your portfolio, and don’t necessarily have the luxury of waiting out a long inflationary cycle.
The Best Gift For Chanukah This Year Is A Good Financial Advisor: Here’s How...
It’s tempting for clients to want their fees to be the lowest possible. However, working with someone just because their fees undercut the competition may be shortsighted.
We Just Sold Our Home For $2.5 Million – What Do We Do With...
To get you started, below I share some common discussion points that come up frequently in my practice when strategizing with folks who just sold their primary residence and are also approaching retirement.
Should I Incur Credit Card Debt To Pay Yeshiva Tuition?
While sacrifices need to be made to live a frum lifestyle, NO family should be expected to accumulate credit card debt to send their kids to yeshiva. It's the yeshiva’s responsibility to do more to help parents in this scenario!
Shenkman’s 2023 Personal Finance Outlook
Investors should remember that despite what is happening in the world, the markets and humankind have always prevailed.
Do I Have Enough Life Insurance?
Before delving into the more involved questions about life insurance, it’s worth reviewing what it is and why it is important.
New Research On The Finances Of Orthodox Jewish Life: Lessons For All
One of my most interesting observations is that the folks who accumulated the most assets were often not the ones with the highest incomes.
Should You Buy Nvidia
It’s possible Nvidia may continue to rise. It also may plummet like many of the aforementioned investments. The main point, and a good reminder for all investors, is: You will NOT win the investing lottery!
Remembering Daniel Kahneman: The ‘Zeidy’ of Behavioral Economics
The biggest stumbling block for many investors is themselves. The tendency for people to get in their own way is usually what prevents folks from achieving success in the markets.
Sticking With Your Learning And Financial Resolutions In 2024 And Beyond
When it comes to personal finances, there are also many cool things out there. However, the determinant of success always comes down to sticking to the basics.