Dear Readers,

It is with mixed feelings that I write this message, wishing you all a g’mar chasimah tovah and a wonderful, healthy, prosperous, joy-filled new year.

At the end of October, the Rockland/North New Jersey office will be closing its doors as I move on to other projects and interests. It’s been quite an experience, these past 22 years, and I thank the Jewish Press for the opportunity it offered me and for putting up with me all this time. I thank you, our audience, for reading the Rockland Section, and for giving me a forum to announce all my family simchas, with a few of yours thrown in as well, of course.

I will not say “goodbye,” but only “adieu,” as you still may be assailed with the fruits of my pen, here and there, as I continue my relationship with The Jewish Press through special writing assignments. May this (finally!) be the year when we all join together in Yerushalayim to greet Moshiach tzidkeinu, b’mheirah b’yameinu!

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