Since Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled her $252 billion spending plan two months ago, Manhattan-based Orthodox advocacy group Agudath Israel of America has been visiting with state lawmakers handing out a slickly designed agenda on coated card-stock paper describing their 14-point needs and wants for the final budget.
As in years past, the legislature will boost the amount proposed by the governor by more than five percent, leaving enough room for all the requests from a multitude of groups and government agencies seeking additional funding. New York is awash in billions of dollars of money this year, and Agudath Israel, or Agudah, is seeking tens of millions of additional dollars in the final budget.
The organization rallied the troops to meet with lawmakers in their Albany offices, sometimes with the members personally and sometimes with their chief of staff or legislative director, during three advocacy days in February and March. The strong showing of advocates in Albany as well as the clear message Agudah presented was met with praise from dozens of state legislators.
“I am a yeshiva day school graduate,” said Jerusalem-born Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (D – Fresh Meadows, Queens). “It’s good to see all of our lay leaders here fighting the good fight each and every day for our community…It’s really important that you keep telling your stories, keep meeting with legislators, and uplifting our community and our voices.” She concluded with a phrase many lawmakers have been using lately: “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”
The head of Agudah told The Jewish Press that “[t]he reaction from the legislators ranged from great enthusiasm and support to changing the topic of conversation when we entered areas where they might not have been so supportive.” The executive vice-president of Agudah, Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, continued, “This is not different from what we experienced in previous years. What I have noticed is the familiarity the legislators have with our community generally. The familiarity with Agudath Israel of America in particular, keeps growing every year.” Zwiebel was previously the head of government relations for the organization, a position now held by Rabbi Yeruchim Silber.
“It’s not whether they are going to be with you on all the issues. Very rarely will you find a person in government that’s with you on all the issues,” Zwiebel said. “What’s important is they pay attention to your concerns. Does he know you, does he appreciate you, does he understand you? I know I come away from these missions every single year with a sense that we are connecting, Baruch Hashem. I certainly see that here today.”
Zwiebel lamented the antisemitic attacks on the Orthodox community that money alone won’t resolve. One important issue on the community’s multi-plank agenda is not allowing the wearing of a mask in public. The 140-year-old law against the practice was suspended during the pandemic, and led to the unintended consequence of masked bandits beating up on Jews in public spaces, putting fear in the hearts of the Jewish community.
“I am working very hard this year on the mask bill. We have to get this passed this year. We know what’s going on out there,” said Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (D – Riverdale, The Bronx). “This legislation and some of the other things we’re doing are really very important this year given everything that has been going on in the community in the past couple of years. It’s really good to know that we have people out there, on the front lines, working every day to protect our Jewish community and our community as a whole.”

This drew praise from Agudah board member Chaskel Bennett, who is also considered a political activist. “Assemblyman Dinowitz’s bill is an important first step in doing something tangible against antisemitism,” Bennette said. “Isn’t it high time that we did something substantial against hate, bigotry, antisemitism, anti-everything? I think it is long overdue. We’ve seen press conferences, we’ve seen statements, we’ve seen tweets, we’ve seen it all… Everybody is against antisemitism. It’s the flavor of the year. Of course, it’s easy to be against something. It’s much harder to do something.”
About the mask law, Bennett said, “Assemblyman Dinowitz’s bill begins the process of saying no, we will not allow masks to be cynically abused. We ask all of our legislators…please stand up and please support the beginning of doing something about antisemitism and not just talking about it.”

At least one lawmaker who supports the Agudah agenda does not support the mask bill. “Face masks should be optional and not mandatory. The only reason to wear a mask is for a direct health impact on the person wearing the mask such as measles, which is very contagious. There should also be no mandatory face mask-wearing requirement on the job except in the medical field or jobs to prevent inhaling hazardous particles or pose safety issues,” Assemblyman Lester Chang (R – Sunset Park, Brooklyn) told The Jewish Press.
“Even though I oppose wearing a face mask in public, wearing a mask in public could be a good thing. This is not a contradiction. You can be suspicious of someone who is breaking the law by wearing a mask. If you’re in a store and you see a bunch of young kids with their hoods up and their face masks on, that could mean something bad is about to happen. If their face mask is down, then that means nothing is going to happen because they would be identified by CCTV (Closed Caption Television). You put a face mask on and hoodies up in a very warm environment that tells you something bad is going to happen. That should be a clue as to be wary and watch out.”
The only Orthodox Jewish Assembly Republican in state history, Assemblyman Ari Brown (R – Cedarhurst, Nassau County), expressed the need for Agudah to expand the focus of their advocacy. “When it comes to most Jewish issues, they care about the small gains. Money that goes here and there,” he said. “[Agudah] should really look at the people they’re lobbying and say: ‘Are they supporting anti-Torah values?’ They should be focused on that but they’re not. They’re looking at short-term gains.”
“I take great pride in being a voice for our community and ensuring that Jewish values are represented in Albany,” he said. “But I don’t just stand for Orthodox Jewish values. I stand for all New Yorkers, all Long Islanders, and all Americans. After all, good Orthodox Republican and Conservative values align closely with the principles our Founding Fathers taught us and lived by. My goal is to uphold those values and make sure they are reflected in policy.”
“I’ve introduced several bills addressing the rise of antisemitism and ensuring Jewish communities have the support they need. For example, I have seven bills specifically focused on combating antisemitism, protecting religious freedoms, and advocating for additional funding for non-public schools. When [Assemblyman] Shmuli [Sam] Berger proposed increasing funding for non-public schools from $70 million to $90 million, I immediately supported him and stood with him at his press conference. These are the kinds of initiatives that make a real difference,” Brown concluded.
There is support for a $20-million increase in security grants, which also includes installing carbon monoxide detectors. “We listened, we talked, we learned, we shared. There were some issues they had concerns with regarding budget items,” Assemblyman Reverend Al Taylor (D – Harlem) told The Jewish Press. “One of the concerns was going from $70 million to $90 million for private schools to be able to provide for safety. When we say safety, it’s not just security guards, but [also things like] carbon monoxide detectors. Safety is more than just having security.”
Zweibel also spoke about the fight over yeshiva curricula. “The position of our yeshiva community has become weakened because of several things that have happened over the past number of years. There is a certain climate of antagonism toward the yeshiva community, in particular an environment where they are accused of not having a legally sufficient curriculum in terms of what they teach in their classrooms,” he noted. “The level of scrutiny that is taking place is severe and political people tread carefully in a climate like this. That’s what I have found as a challenge that we face sometimes.”
“In a community where there has been explosive growth in the yeshiva population and particularly the charedi yeshiva population, is our government prepared to work with us? We’re here to make sure that continues to be as it always was, and it should,” Zwiebel concluded.
Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato (D – Far Rockaway, Queens) told Agudah’s representatives that the most important issue to her is security funding for schools. “We can never stop talking about it,” she said. “The minute that you’re not in the spotlight, the conversation moves to another issue…not stopping antisemitism or the lack of funding we get in our schools.”
Additional support came from a popular assemblyman from Queens. “Another $20 million for security grants. The antisemitism numbers have gone up and up and up statistically and the huge percentage of hate crimes are against the Jewish community, so I think they have a rationale to increase the grant and to get more security grants,” Assemblyman David Weprin (D – Hollis, Queens) told The Jewish Press. “The fact that we have more Orthodox Jewish members, chasidic members, I think helps their cause and support,” he noted.
Sam Berger, a newly-minted member of the lower house, has the unusual task of carrying a significant budget measure. “Being in Albany every single day is a privilege. To be here, to be able to represent the Orthodox Jewish community because we need voices here,” said the Queens assemblyman (D – Kew Gardens Hills). “The attention span in Albany is very short. When we had organizations like the Agudah who are here every week, fighting for our values and our needs, when we have legislators who understand the life that we’re trying to live, be supportive of that, push for that, it’s a tremendous thing.”
“I’m very grateful this year to be able to carry the budget letter for the NPSE – non-public safety equipment,” he continued. “We’re asking for about $90 million this year. Last year was $70 million. With antisemitism on the rise, you look at the crimes in New York this year. It’s more than double everybody else – it’s needed. Our kids are the most precious things in our lives. We want to make sure they are going to receive an education and that they can do that safely, unafraid that anyone will ever knock on their doorstep. I’m here for the Jewish community. I will always fight with everything that I can for our communities, for our values.”
Brown, the Jewish Republican assemblyman, feels he’s being put off by the five Orthodox Democratic members. “Sometimes we have to put politics aside not for short-term gains, but to focus on our core values and what is good for us as Jews and Americans,” he said. “I always try to work with my colleagues in a bipartisan way to advance policies that benefit the Jewish community and all New Yorkers. I believe we should unite on issues that protect our rights and values, regardless of party affiliation. My focus is on doing the right thing, standing firm on principles and ensuring our community is well represented.”

Freshman Assemblyman Aron Wieder (D – Spring Valley, Rockland County) espoused a new perspective. “During my campaign, the slogan we used was ‘If you don’t get a seat at the table, you’re on the menu.’ The menu up here in Albany is not so good,” Wieder told the Agudah gathering during a luncheon earlier this month. “Now that I’m here for two months, I can say that in this time it’s most important to have a seat at the table. I used to come up with the Agudah Rockland delegation. We used to meet and greet all these elected officials and I often wondered if it makes a difference. Now, being on the other side of the fence, I can tell you that coming up here and having conversations with elected officials and talking to elected officials, walking the halls of the Capitol, is extremely and vitally important. It makes a huge difference. You have to repeat [your message] over and over again and then you have an effect.”
That mantra from Wieder was proven last year, according to the state senator from the county. “We had some successes last year in terms of getting some of the private school families the busing that they were deprived of in the Suffern area, and we’re working with a lot of the other districts as well,” said Senator Bill Weber (R – Spring Valley, Rockland County), who represents one of the most Jewish Senate districts in the state. “We’re here to support you. We’re here to make sure the world is a better place.”
Many lawmakers attending a final luncheon before Agudah’s team met with Governor Kathy Hochul sparked many plaudits and pithy comments. “We will always fight for you, Agudah. I know the amazing work you do on civil rights and education,” said Assemblyman Tony Simone (D – Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan). “I am fighting hate crimes, antisemitism. I worked so closely with Agudath Israel for decades when I worked in the city council to make sure that you are safe and free to be who you are.”

“I get letters saying there’s not enough education in yeshivas. What I want to tell them is it’s all about being smart in life,” Assemblyman Michael Novokov (D – Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn). “I want to tell them, have you ever seen a Jew who is not smart enough? It’s as easy as that. So, when I’m talking about yeshiva education don’t give me that, please. Thank you very much. I’m always with you.”
Assemblyman Charles Lavine (D – Glen Cove, Nassau County) said: “We live in a complex world, and of course the Jewish community runs the gamut of all kinds of political beliefs and there is something really healthy about that. This goes back to my brief Talmudic training as a young kid. The more we speak, the more we analyze, the better the product. Your being here today means a great deal and makes a real difference for us. A shayne dank [Yiddish for thank you].”
London, England-born Assemblywoman Alicia Hyndman (D – Rosedale, Queens), the newly-branded head of the Assembly Higher Education Committee, told the Agudah group, “My entire career has been centered around education for all. I believe I’m a strong advocate for this community. In the New York State Assembly, you have advocates and allies who work really hard that your community is represented. You coming up on days like this are important. You want to make sure your voices are heard, recognized, and understood.” She called herself “an advocate and an ally in southeast Queens.”
During the luncheon, a member of the Agudah team cornered Assemblyman Steve Stern (D – Dix Hills, Suffolk County) to put on tefillin. Stern graciously obliged and another mitzvah was accomplished amongst the delectable deli sandwiches and side dishes.