Standing at the precipice of despair, your world crumbles beneath your feet. The whispers of darkness grow louder, drowning out any flicker of hope. This is the reality for countless individuals in our community—people grappling with the suffocating weight of mental health crises, addiction, trauma, and abuse. In these moments of utter darkness, when all seems lost, there’s one beacon that refuses to let the light go out: Amudim.



Amudim: Not a Helpline, A Lifeline

Amudim isn’t just an organization; it’s a constant presence, a lifeline that reaches into the abyss, grasping firmly to pull you back from the brink. When someone reaches out—voice trembling, spirit broken—they’re not met with cold statistics or impersonal advice. They’re embraced by a dedicated clinical case manager who becomes their unwavering ally in the fight for their life and hope for their future.


Saving Lives, Every Case, Every Day

For Amudim’s case managers, each ring of the phone is a new challenge, a new opportunity to make a difference. These dedicated professionals are more than just trained experts; they’re companions, confidants, and guides. They’re there every step of the way, providing support, important resources, and a listening ear.

Meet Sarah, an Amudim case manager. Last month, she received a call from a young mother contemplating suicide. Sarah didn’t just talk her off the ledge; she became the ledge—a solid foundation of support that lasted well beyond that harrowing night. For weeks, Sarah was there, guiding not just the mother but her entire family through the turbulent waters of recovery, one day at a time.

Take David’s story. Trapped in the merciless grip of addiction, he had lost his job, his family, and nearly his will to live. His Amudim case manager, Michael, didn’t just point him towards rehab—he walked every step of the journey with him. From late-night crisis calls to accompanying him to court dates, Michael was the constant presence that reminded David that he was worth fighting for.


A Network of Support

Amudim’s impact extends far beyond individual cases. With case managers stationed in communities across 66 countries, they’re a network of support that’s always within reach.

Amudim is on the case to prevent crises and build stronger communities. Through education and awareness, they aim for prevention and to create our world as a place where lifesaving support for those struggling with mental health, abuse, addiction and trauma is easily obtainable. With thousands of new cases a year, our annual campaign is the lifeblood of our organization, fueling our ability to assign case workers to each person in need and to serve our people.


The Power of You

Now, imagine yourself standing not at the edge of that abyss, but at the precipice of change. The work Amudim does is monumental, but they can’t do it alone. It takes Amudim. It takes their tireless case managers. And it takes you—yes, you—to make miracles happen.

Your support isn’t just a donation; it’s a lifeline thrown to someone drowning in despair. It’s the difference between a child lost to addiction and a family reunited. It’s the whisper of hope in the darkest hour that says, “You are not alone.”


Get on The Case

The time to act is now. Will you answer the call? Will you stand with Amudim and declare that in our community, no one fights alone?

Your support can help save lives, every case, every day. It can be the hand that pulls someone back from the brink, the voice that breaks through the silence of suffering, the light that pierces the darkest night.

Amudim is On the Case- By their side, every day; Our case managers are giving them the strength to stand again.


With thousands of new cases a year, our annual campaign is the lifeblood of our organization, fueling our ability to assign case workers to each person in need and to serve our people.

It’s a case of life and death. Of helplessness or hope.

And you can be part of the deciding factor.

Get on the Case Today.


Showcasing the Best of Amudim



The Amudim Process

When someone reaches out to Amudim, we begin by gathering essential information through a brief intake process. This helps us understand the nature of the crisis and determine the best course of action.

Initial Assessment: We carefully listen to the caller’s concerns, trying to paint a picture of their mental state and the challenges they’re facing.

Needs Triage: We prioritize the most urgent issues and develop a plan to address them effectively.

Case Assignment: The caller is assigned to a dedicated case manager who will provide ongoing support and guidance.


Navigating Complex Challenges

Amudim’s case managers are equipped to handle a wide range of complex situations. Whether it’s someone struggling with addiction, facing a mental health crisis, or dealing with the aftermath of trauma, they’re there to help in the most professional and encouraging way possible.

Family Dynamics: Amudim understands that crises often impact entire families. Our case managers work with families to address underlying issues and provide support to all members.


Cases to Date – 18,977

Annual Budget- 8,000,000

66 Countries Worldwide

QUEENS – 1,136







TEXAS – 94





MONSEY – 1,965

BORO PARK – 1,306

FLATBUSH – 2,168



Abuse Cases     Addiction Cases   Mental Health Cases   At Risk Cases   Narcan Kits



1.Shye Leykin is On the Case

“Amudim provides help to people in all corners of the world. Working here has given me the chance to help as many people as I can, not just locally but worldwide.”

2. Michali Goldfeder is On the Case

Amudim’s mission is important to me because there are hundreds of people in every community who feel alone, unworthy, and unseen and if we can normalize asking for help and have an impact on even one person, we fulfilled our mission.

3. Ariella Miller is On the Case

Saving lives, every case, every day.

Only until more recent years, mental health has been a taboo subject in the world, especially amongst the Jewish communities. Oftentimes, people don’t know who to turn to, nor have the resources to get help. This can be especially true in cases of sexual abuse and addiction. Amudim has provided – and continues to provide – a safe space in which clients can confidentially request support and guidance. As someone who has seen this need on a daily basis, Amudim has become extremely important to me as it provides more and more people with this critically needed care and support.

4.Naftaly Herskovic is On the Case

We fill a role that is sorely lacking in the Jewish world.

Drug addiction and mental illness are still Taboo. Amudim is slowly changing the negative perception. It needs to be accepted like diabetes or high cholesterol. It’s not people’s fault that they are ill, but it’s their responsibility to work on themselves. Without compassion and understanding from the Jewish community, healing becomes unnecessarily harder.

5. Ariella Rouhani is On the Case

Saving lives, every case, every day.

To me, Amudim’s mission means everyone is worthy and capable of receiving help. It’s important to know help just one phone call away.

They’re saving lives, every case, every day.

Will You Get on The Case Too?

We need Amudim.

We need our Case Managers.

And we need people like you to make it all happen.

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