A spirited group of seniors enjoyed the latest COJO Flatbush Senior Arts Party, held on Tu B’Shevat – the Jewish celebration of the “birthday of the trees” – which originated in biblical times and on which it’s become customary to eat various fruits, including those found among the Seven Species identified with the Land of Israel.
The party’s art project was appropriately themed, with the seniors creating assorted dried fruit bouquets and listening to a fascinating Tu B’Shevat story related by COJO social work intern Tzvi Cohen. A delectable lunch, with cut fruit served for dessert, rounded out the special afternoon.
“The arts parties provide seniors an opportunity to spend fun-filled hours socializing with friends and exhibiting their creativity,” said COJO Flatbush Social Services Director Shulamis Shapiro. “We’re happy to take care of details like arranging the transportation and planning the activities and catering the lunches; the only things participants need to bring along is the anticipation of having a good time.”
Added COJO Flatbush CEO Louis Welz, “The camaraderie we see at every one of these parties is immensely gratifying, and a real treat for our seniors. We just wish we could do it even more frequently.”
For information about the events, activities, and services COJO Flatbush offers seniors, call 718-377-2900, ext. 342.
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