Happy 100th Birthday, Rabbi Kleiman

Rabbi Yisroel (Sidney) Kleiman was appointed rav of Congregation Adereth El at 133 East 29th Street in Manhattan in 1939. He continues to serve the shul as rabbi emeritus and is one of the first to show up for the shul’s minyanevery day of the week. Rabbi Kleiman is both the longest serving and the oldest active congregational rabbi in the United States, possibly the world.

Rabbi Yisroel (Sidney) Kleiman

The shul was established in 1857. Rabbi Kleiman had been serving as rav of the Jewish Center of Violet Park in the Bronx after having earned his semicha at Yeshiva Rabbi Yitzchok Elchonon in 1935, then led by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik, zt”l (1879-1941).

Adereth El has the longest running minyan in America at its original location. It is an oasis of Torah, tefillah, spirituality, gemilas chasadim and hachnassas orchim in the center of the bustling city. Appointed in 1996, Rabbi Gideon Shloush, grandson of the Netanya chief rabbi Chaim Dovid Shloush, serves as rav. Rabbi Shloush is also an adjunct instructor of Jewish studies at Stern College.

Rabbi Kleiman was named rabbi emeritus in 1999.

Positioned near major hospitals and physicians’ offices that serve observant Jews from around the world, the shul is a spiritual home away from home for family members and friends of those in need of medical treatment. All congregants, from the rabbi and president to the gentlemen in the very last row and the ladies in the upstairs balcony, warmly embrace every guest.

On Sunday, January 6, a celebratory dinner was held at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Battery Park honoring the forthcoming 100th birthday of Rabbi Kleiman, who was born on January 27, 1913 (19 Shevat, 5673). Together with all of Klal Yisrael, we join in wishing Rabbi Kleiman continued glorious Torah productivity and good health until 120, at the very least.

Torah Vodaath Flatbush Shabbos/Melaveh Malkah

This Shabbos Bo, January 18-19, will see a grand celebration of Torah in Flatbush. The community will be rejoicing in the continued blossoming of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath.

Eminent roshei yeshiva will be gracing the following homes:

For the Friday night meal: Rabbi Yisroel Belsky at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Amsterdam, 2801 Avenue L; Rabbi Yosef Savisky at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hurasky, 1079 East 18th Street; Rabbi Yisroel Reisman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yechiel Eisenstadt, 1308 East 21st Street; Rabbi Elya Katz at the home of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Zvi Rokeach, 3302 Avenue P; Rabbi Yitzchok Kaplinsky at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Silberberg, 1566 East 32nd Street; Rabbi Fishel Schachter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz, 1632 East 28th Street; Rabbi Sender Hollander at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Naftali Minzer, 1341 East 26th Street; and Rabbi Nosson Chernoff and Rabbi Zisha Blumenfrucht at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Yonah Blumenfrucht.

The Shabbos day meal: Rabbi Belsky at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hashi Herzka, 3177 Bedford Avenue; Rabbi Savitsky at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Tabak, 1097 East 22nd Street; Rabbi Reisman at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sruli Zyskind, 3411 Avenue L; Rabbi Label Wulliger at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch C. Wulliger, 970 East 26th Street; Rabbi Katz at the home of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Zvi Rokeach; Rabbi Kaplinsky at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Silberberg; Rabbi Schachter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Dov Stern, 1320 East 23rd Street; and Rabbi Sender Hollander at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Naftali Minzer, 1341 East 26th Street.

Shabbos Minchah and shalosh seudos: Rabbi Belsky at Rabbi Yosef Eisen’s shul; Rabbi Savitsky at Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Weinfeld’s shul; Rabbi Reisman at Rabbi Ben-Zion Schiffenbauer’s shul; Rabbi Katz at Rabbi Leizer Dovid Rapaport’s shul; Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Schorr at Rabbi Meir Platnick’s shul; and Rabbi Wulliger at Rabbi Moshe Scheinerman’s shul.

The melaveh malkah will be held at Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyamin, 2913 Avenue L, dedicated to the memory of Avrohom Aba Fink by the Fink, Hoch, and Minzer families. Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, rav of Bais Binyamin, and Rabbi Belsky and Rabbi Savitsky will be speaking. Rabbi Reisman will deliver the keynote address. Yona Blumenfrucht will be the evening’s chairman. Valet parking.

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