WHAT: Cinema Chabad presents the documentary feature “Above and Beyond.” Directed by Roberta Grossman and produced by Nancy Spielberg, the film depicts the story of the brave Jewish American WWII pilots who volunteered to fly the fighter planes in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, not only helping Israel win the war, but ultimately assisting in the establishment of the mighty Israeli Air Force.
WHERE: Chabad of Boca Raton, 9040 Kimberly Boulevard, Boca Raton
WHEN: April 25, 10 -11:30 p.m.
CONTACT: 561-994-6257
WHAT: Golf tournament to benefit the March of the Living Scholarship Fund. Registration and kosher brunch at 11 a.m., tee off 1 p.m., BBQ dinner and awards ceremony 5:30 p.m. Raffle and Silent Auction
WHERE: Club at Emerald Hills, 4100 N. Hills Drive, Hollywood
WHEN: May 3
COST: $180 – $10,000
CONTACT: Marshall Baltuch, 786-367-0533 or e-mail [email protected]
WHAT: Communitywide Yom Ha’Atzmaut Festival. Concerts, kosher food court, artists, vendors, community partners; featuring The Moshav Band and world famous Israeli pop artist Shlomi Shabbat
WHERE: C.B. Smith Park, 800 North Flamingo Road, Pembroke Pines
WHEN: May 3, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
COST: $8 in advance, $10 at the door