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Attorney Andrew Friedman and his wife Chanie hosted Carolyn Ramsay, candidate for Los Angeles City Council, at their home on Sunday morning for breakfast with leading members of the Jewish and Hungarian communities in attendance.

Carolyn Ramsay recently won the primary election for Los Angeles City Council District 4. She will face the second place finisher, David Ryu, in the general election on May 19. She has also been endorsed by most members of City Council, including Tomas O’Grady, who was a close third in the primary


Ramsay, daughter of famed football coach Jack Ramsay, has served the City of Los Angeles for the past 15 years. Most recently, she was Chief of Staff to current Councilman Tom LaBonge. At the breakfast, former Sheriff Lee Baca voiced support for Carolyn Ramsay.

According to Friedman, “She is a problem solver with steep roots in the community. She will make a great Councilperson representing all the residents of the 4th District in the old John Ferraro tradition.”

(L-R) Chanie Friedman, Carolyn Ramsay, Andrew Friedman, Rabbi Rabbi Yoel Gold of Bais Naftoli, and Rabbi Yuval Noiff.

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