Making Good Decisions

Short-term emotions are in the moment emotions that can cloud our decision-making process. Short-term emotions can make you replay conversations over and over again until you can’t think straight – even if nothing has changed since you first starting thinking about it.

Dear Dr. Yael

It would also be prudent to limit the information you share with your parents. This will help you limit the opinions you get. This may be hard if you are used to sharing everything with your mothers and if you are close with them.

Size Me Up

We should care about our appearances and do what we want to make us feel good both inside and out. What this might mean to one person might be different to another.

Learning A New Language: Speaking To Your Tween

Suddenly, it may start to feel like your like child does not want to speak to you at all. And this is especially difficult at this age since you may feel an even more pressing need to support and protect them as they gain independence.

Dear Dr. Yael

Share your own experiences with overcoming challenges to show vulnerability and resilience.

Dates Are Just A Number

Take a deep breath. You are doing so well. Dating someone you like, and feeling positive about your dates is huge. Everything was going nicely until your sister’s blanket statement about timelines and expectations through you off course.

Lazy Summer Days: Beating Summer Brain Drain

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered that children tend to lose approximately two and half months worth of material over the summer. That is, rather than retaining the material they have mastered during the school year, student who do not flex their academic muscles over the summer revert back to the skills they had in April as opposed to June. Researchers call this phenomenon summer brain drain.

Dear Dr. Yael

While it may appear to these people that by getting their way they are winning the battle, they are, in fact, losing the war. In other words when people behave this way, they may temporarily get their way, but ultimately, they can lose the relationship.

Dating 101

You need to be fully engaged on your dates. Make eye contact, allow your body language to showcase your interest, and listen carefully to what your date is saying. Show them that you are fully present and happy to be with them.

The Importance Of Playdates

We don’t often think about children at such a young age having social skills, but did you know that you begin to develop social skills from birth?

Dear Dr. Yael

We all have to make this choice. We can wallow in self-pity or we can do whatever we can to deal with our challenges.

Perfect But Single

There is no room for arrogance in dating. There will always be someone prettier, richer, smarter, and more talented than you. There will always be a girl who is more than you. If you do not see these girls, and only see those that are less than you, read this article carefully.

Can Food and Anxiety Be Linked?

People who are emotional eaters use food to make themselves feel better. In other words, they eat to fill emotional needs, rather than to fill their stomachs.

Dear Dr. Yael

Please don’t feel that this situation is hopeless. You appear to have the appropriate attitude to life.

My Date. My Choice

A dater must always have an open mind. Objectivity and humility are central to dating and there are certainly times when we can lose ourselves in the exhaustion of it all.

Asperger’s Syndrome And Autism

Asperger's Syndrome was first described in the 1940s by an Austrian pediatrician, Hans Asperger, who noticed that he had many patients with deficient social and communicative skills even though they had normal language development and cognitive abilities.

Dear Dr. Yael

As a grandparent, it is definitely a huge gift to give your children time to get away; however, you also have to know your limits.

Be Real

Reflect on the moments where he yelled or screamed. You may notice that there are even more instances than you originally noticed.

What Are You Feeling?

Sometimes it is hard to name what you are feeling. Suddenly, you feel hot. You feel a bit of a burning session in your chest and on your neck. You can open a window to cool off, but you might not actually be addressing where that physical manifestation is coming from.

Dear Dr. Yael

Driving in the tri-state area can be very difficult. There is a lot of traffic and impatient drivers. I think for all of us who drive, we feel the constant frustration in dealing with so much craziness on the road.

Same Ending. Different Story

While this is not simple, it is certainly possible. While, you may see that you are less malleable, you may notice that you are wiser, and more focused on what truly matters in building a happy life.

Teens And Honesty

Feeling like you are different can affect your self-esteem. And self-esteem is essential for forming healthy relationships.

Dear Dr. Yael

The truth is that we can’t improve the situation without working on ourselves. Every person only has the power to change themselves.

Rethinking Explosive Children

Rather than attempting to modify behaviors right away, Dr. Greene advocates for solving the underlying problems. That means that the challenging behaviors that we might want to change are symptoms of a larger issue that we should focus on rather than those specific challenging behaviors.


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