
A few years ago I was invited to be a guest on a talk show. An interesting question came up from a young man who wanted some information on the topic of in-laws. He wanted to know if I had ever known of a couple divorcing because of their in-laws. My response was that although divorced people may blame the in-laws for the marriage failure, in most cases this does not happen directly, but indirectly- YES!

Only Doctors Or Lawyers, Please

What about a guy with a startup, an entrepreneur, or a tech guy who has created a business on his own? So many are achieving great success, their smarts undisputed, but you will have discounted them because they don’t fit your mold.

Sensory Processing Disorder Explained

Do sensory processing disorders affect academics? The answer, unfortunately, is a resounding yes.

Dear Dr. Yael

When you spend special, alone time with your daughter and give her undivided attention, you can build her self-esteem by giving her specific praise and just by making her feel valuable because of the time and positive attention you are giving her.

The Tyranny Of OCD

With Pesach behind us, what better time to take a closer look at the annual burst of intensity that propelled us, in the weeks and days leading to the yom tov, into a frenzy of cleaning? That sustained embrace of scrupulous cleaning offers insight into a subject that has lately received a great deal of attention in psycho-educational literature. The topic, OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, might be understood by comparing it with that exhausting endeavor from which many of us are just starting to recover.

Fear of Rejection

In shidduchim, the potential for rejection exists for everyone. Those we want to date, those we ask to date, and those we are dating, all have the opportunity to say “no” should they choose to.

Second Chances

Even when things are going well, we may have bruised feelings when we feel a stronger connection earlier that the person we are dating or feel ready before they do. We are all responsible for our own feelings. We get to decide on the risks we take with them.

Wisdom in Parenting

Most of us instinctively know what good parenting looks like. And yet…

Dear Dr. Yael

Perhaps you can ask directly for more help from your other siblings. Share with them how much you would appreciate their direct help as your one sister does.

Lifesaving (really!) Stress Management Tips

So, what’s affecting us today? Sapolsky argues that our heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, Alzeheimers, and even cancer might be caused by stress.

Dear Dr. Yael

I miss my child deeply and daven that a true yeshua takes place.

Academic & Social Skills Insights #37

Not only do children who read proficiently have an easier time in all academic areas, they also are more capable in social situations.

Marital Therapy: Solo Or Joint?

Just like Aharon HaKohen promoted shalom bayis by sharing with couples all of the good things that his or her spouse said, a therapist can encourage shalom bayis in this same way.

Why Do Today…

The best way to not fall back into bad habits is to avoid those triggers to begin with.

Dear Dr. Yael

Respect and warmth can do wonders to build a relationship.

Mind And Manners

The rebbe had told Meir and Yehudah to take turns, but that wasn’t working out so well.

Dear Dr. Yael

Sometimes the in-law relationship can reflect the relationship between the spouse and his own parents.

The Bum Class

When Rov Pam, a"h, gave me the go ahead to do Pre-Marital counseling, I knew in time I would add more topics to my...

The Long Way Home For Adults Who Were Children of Divorce

There are millions of adults today who experienced the trauma of their parents’ divorce 20, 30, 40 or more years ago. Some have found closure, but many more have not. Regrettably, it is a time in a child’s life that is never forgotten. It stays with you; it is part of who you are.

Dear Dr. Yael

I would hope that people who have been helped in any situation would express gratitude.

The Modern Orthodox Educational Experience

In my experience, modern schools tend to be more open-minded toward other flavors of Judaism.

The Explosive Child: Dealing With The Explosive Child

It makes a parent feel both helpless and angry at the same time. Helpless at the thought of having no control whatsoever over the situation. And angry that your child insists on behaving irrationally and well beyond acceptable modes of behavior.

What Happened To You?

Our experiences quite literally shape us – and more specifically – shape our brains.


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