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I wish you both hatzlacha!

Dear Dr. Yael:


Your advice to Saddened Wife (“Spicing Up Your Marriage,” June 8) was sound for her and everyone in a similar situation. However, considering her age and the fact that her kids think that she is undergoing a crisis, you should have also recommended that she see a medical doctor. It is possible that she also has thyroid and/or menopause issues. Thank you.


Dear Anonymous:

Thank you for taking the time to write and point this fact out to our readers. As I have said before, without having all the details of a person’s situation available to me, it can be difficult to know exactly what the issue is.

That being said, while I recommended therapy, perhaps Saddened Wife does have a medical issue and should see her internist as well.

Thank you for caring.

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Dr. Yael Respler is a psychotherapist in private practice who provides marital, dating and family counseling. Dr. Respler also deals with problems relating to marital intimacy. Letters may be emailed to [email protected]. To schedule an appointment, please call 917-751-4887. Dr. Orit Respler-Herman, a child psychologist, co-authors this column and is now in private practice providing complete pychological evaluations as well as child and adolescent therapy. She can be reached at 917-679-1612. Previous columns can be viewed at and archives of Dr. Respler’s radio shows can be found at