Lazy Summer Days: Beating Summer Brain Drain
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered that children tend to lose approximately two and half months worth of material over the summer. That is, rather than retaining the material they have mastered during the school year, student who do not flex their academic muscles over the summer revert back to the skills they had in April as opposed to June. Researchers call this phenomenon summer brain drain.
The Importance Of Playdates
We don’t often think about children at such a young age having social skills, but did you know that you begin to develop social skills from birth?
Can Food and Anxiety Be Linked?
People who are emotional eaters use food to make themselves feel better. In other words, they eat to fill emotional needs, rather than to fill their stomachs.
Dear Dr. Yael
Please don’t feel that this situation is hopeless. You appear to have the appropriate attitude to life.
Asperger’s Syndrome And Autism
Asperger's Syndrome was first described in the 1940s by an Austrian pediatrician, Hans Asperger, who noticed that he had many patients with deficient social and communicative skills even though they had normal language development and cognitive abilities.
What Are You Feeling?
Sometimes it is hard to name what you are feeling. Suddenly, you feel hot. You feel a bit of a burning session in your chest and on your neck. You can open a window to cool off, but you might not actually be addressing where that physical manifestation is coming from.
Teens And Honesty
Feeling like you are different can affect your self-esteem. And self-esteem is essential for forming healthy relationships.
Rethinking Explosive Children
Rather than attempting to modify behaviors right away, Dr. Greene advocates for solving the underlying problems. That means that the challenging behaviors that we might want to change are symptoms of a larger issue that we should focus on rather than those specific challenging behaviors.
Lighthouse Parenting
If resilience were a trait, something you had or didn’t have, there would be little we could do to foster it in our children. Part of what is so exciting – and important – about the work of youth development is that children’s resilience is largely determined by how parents and communities raise them.
Learning to Belong
Women have a particularly difficult time with shame because there are different (often stricter) societal expectations for women as mothers, fashion figures, and careerists. Therefore, it’s really important to recognize the negative effects of shame on your life and to transform yourself in an effort to control it.
Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
As your child grows and learns more about the world, it is natural for him to be hesitant or fearful of new circumstances. In some ways, it is good your child is afraid – it will make him more cautious and careful.
What Happened To You?
Our experiences quite literally shape us – and more specifically – shape our brains. That means that we will each see the world in a unique way because of the way that our previous experiences have shaped our brains.
Twice Expectational
A perfect case of a child who was twice exceptional is Albert Einstein. Even though Einstein was brilliant when it came to visual and spatial reasoning, as a child he had behavioral problem, was a terrible speller, and had trouble verbally expressing himself.
Too Much Studying?
Use graphic organizers. Graphic organizers can use key words, pictures, or icons. These mental images can help arrange the information in a coherent and streamlined manner.
Navigating Social Seas: Equipping Kids With Essential Social Skills
Children and teens often face significant challenges that make school life difficult. Whether it’s the anxiety of meeting new people, the fear of rejection, or the complexities that come with learning differences like ADHD, these struggles can hinder their ability to form meaningful relationships.
Sensory Processing Disorder Explained
The first way that sensory processing disorders affects academics is simply in the child’s ability (or inability) to sit still when there is a plethora of sensory information in a classroom.
Self-Esteem And Friendship
Many people confuse the concepts of self-esteem and ego, assuming that if you believe in yourself you are automatically egoistic and arrogant.
Selective (Or Elective) Mutism
It makes sense that your daughter’s teachers would not have picked up on this in preschool because children are not often forced to speak in the learning process.
Ticking Tempers How To Solve, Surrender, Or Simulate? (continued from last week)
The prevalent attitude that frowns on parents for exercising authority over their kids creates confusion even in parents who believe in discipline. Children sense the ambivalence and use it to their advantage.
Ticking Tempers: How To Solve, Surrender, Or Simulate?
Expecting children in whom these skills are delayed to behave rationally when upset, and to penalize them for not doing so, is unrealistic, Greene argues. These children do not choose to behave badly any more than a child would choose to have a reading disability.
Looking Fear In The Eye: Facing Phobias Head On
A certain amount of anxiety as we go about our daily lives is normal. Most adults can navigate their way through the nagging concerns that dog their thoughts without getting derailed by them. Children, however, have a much harder time handling anxiety.
Ready To Be Redt: Helping Singles Through Social Skills Training
Nechama is one of countless singles whose shidduch prospects are being limited by a lack of social skills. Such skills run the gamut from communication skills and grooming to anger management and stress control. And while social skills issues plague people of all ages, they are particularly damaging to singles on the shidduch scene.
Words As Weapons: Learning To Use Words Positively
Many of us remember our parents telling us that if people called us names or hurt our feelings, we should simply tell ourselves, Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never harm me. Unfortunately, that logic does not hold true.
Temper Those Tantrums
Temper tantrums or fits are common for terrible twos and children entering adolescence. Interestingly, the reasons behind the tantrums and the effective ways to deal with these tantrums are the same regardless of age.
Street Smarts: A Different Type Of Social Skill
In reality, we are not born with street smarts or social skills. Some children pick up on social cues from birth, while others need to be taught these skills explicitly.
Parents: Missing In Action?
There was a time, not too long ago, when being a good parent was the most valued achievement in our community... Today, we pay a great deal of lip service to this concept, but in practice, we allow many other priorities, such as succeeding in our careers, social obligations and self-fulfillment, to compete with the one we profess to cherish most.
Life In A Minefield: Helping the Explosive Child
It is crucial for parents to think clearly and stay calm – not an easy thing to do when a child is in the midst of a full blown tantrum, complete with kicking, screaming, and breaking things. Parents should also avoid turning the episode into a power struggle.
Kids Called Nerds: Can They Succeed Socially?
What is the nature of these social disabilities and what, if anything, can parents do to help their children and adolescents fit in?
Just A Regular Kid
Now, watching her daughter’s forlorn profile through the window, Miriam thought, Riki was once a good, happy kid. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m going to find a way back to that place. There has to be a way.
Grown Up And Still Struggling: Journal Of An Adult With Attention Deficit Disorder
In retrospect, I never was able to get my act together. My childhood was marked by disorganization and clumsiness. I never had pens or loose leaf paper, my briefcase was always a mess, and I was a chronic latecomer. I remember several particularly painful episodes.