A Caveat
Schmoker continues, “The status quo has to change. We insult and frustrate our teachers and leaders when we keep asking them to adopt complex, confusing new initiatives and programs that can’t possibly succeed in the absence of decent curriculum, lessons, and literacy activities….”
In essence, Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning outlines the three “simple” things that need to change in education in order to ensure that all children get educations that prepare them for their future and careers. Schmoker’s claims are supported by research and anecdotes, and are reasonable and understandable. That said, these three things (what we teach, how we teach, and authentic literacy) are not so simple. Yes, he might be right in that we have to get rid of all of the extraneous initiatives that complicate education. We need to focus on what we teach, how we teach, and on authentic literacy. However, if we do work to follow these guidelines and diligently “ignore the rest” of the educational initiatives that might not be improving our students’ educations, I am confident we can prepare our students for successful, productive lives.