Post Holocaust Resurgence Of Jewish Scholarship

The Munich Talmud or The Survivors Talmud boasts vibrant title pages, capturing the historic moment of printing in postwar Germany.

The Bitachon Blueprint (Part II)

Bitachon means knowing that Hashem not only supervises all aspects of our lives—down to the tiniest detail—but that He actively optimizes the entirety of our lives and life experiences toward our greatest good and growth.

Goethe, Oppenheim, And The Jews

Although he would not become famous for his Jewish work until some thirty years later, Oppenheim painted one of his most famous works, Return of a Jewish Volunteer from the Wars of Liberation to His Family Still Living in Accordance with Old Customs, in 1833.

Journalist Who Exposed Flaws In Gaza Documentary: ‘The BBC Is Caught – And Knows...

Collier, who is Jewish and lived in Israel in the past has been a staunch critic of the BBC for a long time, accusing it of anti-Israel bias. But he said this documentary is more egregious.

Word Prompt – MEMORY – Inna Vernikov

The images of the Bibas family – two redheaded, cherub-cheeked babies and their mother – will forever be burned in our minds along with all of the others we refuse to forget.

Word Prompt – MEMORY – Pesha Kletenik

One of the most curious mitzvot we have is to remember to blot out Amalek. The worst way to rid them from our psyche is to annually read about them. We must forever remember the importance of stamping out evil in the world.

Word Prompt – MEMORY – Eli Lebowicz

There’s stuff I remember that I’d be fine forgetting, like getting out first in the 4th grade spelling bee on the easiest word possible (wholesome, by the way).

Word Prompt – MEMORY – Naomi Mauer

The years ahead were filled with grandchildren who have given me wonderful memories, and now my life is filled with great-grandchildren and we are making memories together. With Hashem’s help we will go on making memories for many more years.

Word Prompt – MEMORY – Ana Mandelbaum

The Torah’s commandment to remember is about shaping the future. The Holocaust and October 7 teach us that the world can change in an instant – and that if we don’t take history seriously, it will repeat itself.

Prophecies Of Doom, Prospects Of Redemption

It is a matter of debate whether the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 represents the beginning of the Final Redemption, the ingathering of the exiles.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 124

A panicked Mom called her trusted daughter who arrived like an angel at 2 a.m. to be with Mom and Dad. The aide returned in the morning, ashamed of himself, having somehow blacked-out, and waking that next morning. It would be a fair analysis to say that all-hell-broke-loose.

Unpopular Porcelain & A Puzzling Provenance

A somewhat peculiar fact is that while glass and porcelain Judaica generally achieve disappointing results in the United States, they do remarkably better in the salerooms of Europe.

The Bitachon Blueprint (Part I)

How Bitachon Works is not a collection of stories, parables, or motivational quotes. Instead, it draws on the wisdom of the Torah, classic sources, and principles of human nature to provide a logical exploration of bitachon — a clear framework for understanding how it operates and how to access it.

Defending The Zohar

Kunitz's intellectual pursuits and actions frequently placed him in tension with more traditional rabbis, yet he earned respect for his profound knowledge of Talmudic texts and his pivotal role in the evolution of Jewish intellectual life.

The Kippah-ed Bodyguard

During my Fox interview I pointed out many facts that many overlook, such as history unfolding during his playing career. Greenberg began his playing career with the Detroit Tigers in 1933, the same year as Hitler, leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, became chancellor of Germany.

Keeping Israelis – And Visiting Americans – Safe In Israel

Storch has implemented risk management practices at the Western Wall, Ben Gurion Airport, and the Malha Mall in Jerusalem. He was honored with the Maccabiah Award in 1997 for his devotion to protecting Israeli citizens, a commitment that is unwavering.

Hundreds Rally In Manhattan For Release Of All Hostages

Our hostages are alive. They are holding on, fighting to survive. And yet, we can see it in their eyes, in their frail bodies – they are running out of time. - Ilay David

Do Tolkien’s Depictions Of Dwarves In The Hobbit Prove That He Was An Antisemite?

In an interview, Tolkien, while not specifically characterizing the Jews as warlike, nonetheless spoke to an explicit connection with biblical characterizations of the Jews, with the biblical narrative describing many wars of conquest, much as Tolkien does in The Return of the King, the third book of his trilogy; in a BBC interview, he referred to the immense warlike capacity of the Jews, which we tend to forget nowadays.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Sarah Pachter

Our society is results-focused. You can be the second-fastest runner in the world, but society doesn’t care. You lost. You’re not getting the endorsements.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Kylie Ora Lobell

When I am old, and my hair is silver or white or gray, I know that I won't remember this stress. All I will remember is the happy times, and I will probably say, I'd do anything to get back to that place.

Word Prompt – SILVER – David Curwin

Interestingly, the English word “silver” may also have Semitic origins. One theory suggests that silver derives from the Akkadian word sarapu, meaning to smelt, refine.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Cecelia Margules

What exactly is a silver lining? It is a metaphor conveying a glimmer of hope, in the midst of despair.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Akiva Kra

It's amazing how one metal can carry so many memories and so much importance. Oftentimes the tarnished silver candlesticks in a home carry more emotion and hold more memories than the colorful pictures around them.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 123

As she continued to share experiences of caring for her son, I also shared different chapters that I had written about caring for my husband during his decline. In spite of her belief that her challenges were unique, I had a chapter written for almost every problem she was facing.

Orthodox Teacher Says Twitter Must Do More To Protect Targeted Jewish Profiles

In a previous interview with The Jewish Press, Lax said he was falsely accused of discrimination since he stood up against antisemitism and would be exonerated. In October of 2023, an eight-month investigation found no evidence of any wrong-doing by Lax.

An Ancient Hebrew Edition Of The Ancient Prophets

This inaugural printed Hebrew edition of the Prophets, with Kimhi’s scholarly annotations, was produced in 1485 by the esteemed Joshua Solomon ben Israel Nathan Soncino. This edition, which predates the Soncino family’s migration to Casal Maggiore, marked the completion of the family’s premier Biblical publication.

Alternatives To Higher Education

Rabbi Shimon’s original position was by no means a majority opinion. By comparison, Rabban Gamliel, son of Rabbi Judah HaNasi, said: Torah study is good together with an occupation, for the exertion of them both makes sin forgotten. All Torah study that is not joined with work will cease in the end, and leads to sin (Pirkei Avos 2:2).

Why I Am Running As An Aish Ha’am Delegate For The WZO Congress

Seeing the anger and hostility towards Israel and Jewish people around the globe blew my mind. It was maddening trying to explain why Hamas was evil to so many companies and individuals. I was in shock.


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