Photo Credit: Jewish Press

One of our two national political parties likes to portray itself as the defender of democracy against the machinations of the other. An independent evaluation of this claim leads to considering questions such as these:

  • Is it defending democracy to convict the leader of the opposition party of 34 trumped-up (pun intended) felony charges in a kangaroo court where the judge (who legally should have been forced to recuse himself because of his and his daughter’s political connections) made such outrageous rulings as to say that if four jurors found the accused guilty on one count, four other jurors on a second, and four others on a third, he would consider it a unanimous verdict? And with additional convictions pending in Washington, D.C. and Atlanta, for the party to thereby label said leader “a convicted felon?”
  • Is it defending democracy to systematically disbar Trump’s lawyers to ensure that he, or anyone else who opposes the administration, can’t obtain proper legal representation, a clear civil rights violation?
  • Is it defending democracy to bring criminal charges against people who never entered the Capitol on January 6 and to invoke farfetched extensions to charge conspiracy and justify multi-year jail sentences to the point where one defendant committed suicide? The Supreme Court has ruled that the actions taken by the demonstrators could not be legitimately charged as interfering with a public proceeding.
  • Is it defending democracy to charge under the FACE Act septuagenarian Christian ladies, one of whom is terminally ill (whom the sentencing judge mockingly advised, “Try to stay alive”), for sitting in at an abortion facility, in order to enable sentencing them to multi-year jail terms, while rioters from the summer of 2020 and students illegally occupying campus buildings in 2024 face either no charges or slap-on-the-wrist misdemeanors? Not to mention that New York DA Alvin Bragg, who concocted 34 felony charges out of what was at most a civil offense (an election reporting error), has declined to prosecute student rioters at Columbia University on the flimsy excuse that because they were wearing masks they couldn’t be definitively identified, and has reduced felony charges to misdemeanors for truly violent criminals.
  • Is it defending democracy to assert that antisemitic threats are protected as free speech under the First Amendment while labeling criticism of George Soros, who finances every movement against the United States and Israel, as well as the election of local prosecutors who decline to charge felonies, as antisemitic, when Soros has renounced Judaism and is no more Jewish than a pig’s foot?
  • Is it defending democracy to conspire with Big Tech to suppress expressions of opinion that disagree with government policy, such as those by doctors who questioned whether Covid originated from the Wuhan laboratory, to the point of besmirching their reputations, especially when we now know that the National Institutes of Health covertly financed gain-of-function research at Wuhan in contradiction of federal policy? Sadly, the Supreme Court in Murthy v. Missouri, with three conservative justices in the majority, used the excuse of “plaintiffs lack standing” to vote to effectively authorize the federal government to delegate censorship to the private sector, thereby essentially repealing the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Is it defending democracy to send three heavily armed federal agents to the home of Dr. Eithan Haim of the American Principles Project to inform him that he has been indicted on four felony counts for blowing the whistle on the nation’s leading children’s hospital for lying to the public about their transgender program? Or to send agents to the home of pro-life activist Paul Vaughn at 7:15 a.m. to arrest him in the presence of his wife and children and haul him away for six hours until his family was notified?
  • For that matter, is it defending democracy at the state and local school-district level to covertly encourage children into gender transition without notifying parents, and to pass laws that parents finding out and objecting can be charged with child abuse and lose custody of all their children? The California Legislature has passed, and Governor Newsom has signed, a law mandating that parents not be informed of their children’s transitioning.
  • Is it defending democracy to label mainstream pro-life organizations, traditional Catholics, and mothers who object to having their children indoctrinated and exposed to pornography in elementary school as domestic terrorists? Or for the FBI to screen for agents who are traditionally religious or have conservative views and take away their security clearances to force them to resign?
  • Is it defending democracy to turn our back on the only democracy in the Middle East to such an extent as to hold back weapons shipments, to demand that Israel accept a settlement that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza and creates a PLO terrorist state in Judea and Samaria, and to intimate that Israel is committing war crimes in defending itself when the civilian-to-combatant death ratio is the lowest in the recorded history of warfare, far lower than in World War II when the Allies fire-bombed Dresden and the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, not to mention flirting with declaring Binyamin Netanyahu a war criminal in pursuit of what some have called the “two-state solution” – Michigan and Minnesota?
  • For that matter, is it defending democracy not to send any official to greet the democratically elected leader of an allied nation at the airport, or for the Vice-President of the United States and the president pro tem of the Senate to refuse to preside over a joint session of Congress to which Prime Minister Netanyahu was speaking, and for many representatives of their party to boycott the speech and even some to call for arresting Netanyahu on site as a war criminal? Or to shill for the Palestinian Authority when China has brokered a deal by which Abbas will be the front man (and likely the bagman as well) for Hamas?
  • Is it defending democracy to maintain a wide-open southern border with little or no vetting of migrants, and implement a catch-and-release program that lets them spread across the country with nothing more than a promise to appear at a court hearing years in the future, which leaves us vulnerable to terrorist infiltration?
  • Is it defending democracy to use the phony Steele dossier concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign to obtain warrants from the secret FISA court to conduct surveillance on Trump campaign officials such as Carter Page? Or is it defending democracy for the current Secretary of State to initiate a scheme whereby 51 present and former intelligence officials falsely implied that the Hunter Biden laptop bore the hallmarks of Russian disinformation?
  • Is it defending democracy when a survey shows 69% of the American elite believe that only college graduates should be allowed to vote? Would that disenfranchise dropouts like Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and the late Apple founder Steve Jobs?
  • And perhaps most of all, is it defending democracy to introduce a bill in the House of Representatives to revoke Secret Service protection for convicted felons, which can only be intended to make it easier to assassinate President Trump, as was already attempted in Pennsylvania? A staff employee of Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the principal sponsor of the bill, let the cat out of the bag when she posted on X an expression of disappointment that the shooter had missed. Because of the negative publicity, Rep. Thompson had to discharge her, but I can’t help wondering what his real feelings are.

And how many “progressive” Democrats agree, judging from their incendiary rhetoric comparing Trump to Hitler, including the cover of The New Republic, which once upon a time was a respected liberal weekly? (Incidentally, the label “progressive,” originally used by former President Theodore Roosevelt when he ran for a third term in 1912, was adopted by a Communist front third party that ran FDR’s former vice president, the antisemite Henry Wallace, for President in 1948. Anyone who thinks Marxism represents progress is a fool.)


Moreover, it is hypocrisy on steroids for President Biden to make a speech from the Oval Office asking everyone to turn down the volume, when he himself has repeatedly called Trump a threat to the nation, filmed a video in 2022 against a blood-red background that many regarded as fascistic, and was quoted as saying that we should “put a bulls eye” on Trump, the same inflammatory phrase for which Sarah Palin was condemned in 2008 when she applied it to certain Congressional Democrats.

I could go on indefinitely, but the point is that was once upon a time the party of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison has largely adopted cultural Marxism to the extent of effectively repudiating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to such a degree that I was motivated last year to purchase an unabridged copy of The Federalist Papers so I could bid a fond farewell to constitutional government in America. It is truly incredible that supposedly intelligent people could swallow the poison that Marxists spew.

Suffice it to say that we need to do some serious thinking before November 5.

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Richard Kronenfeld, a Brooklyn native now living in Phoenix, holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford and has taught mathematics and physics at the secondary and college level. He self-identifies as a Religious Zionist.