Photo Credit: Courtesy
Florida Stands with Israel specialty license plate

In September 2020, on the eve of Rosh Hashana, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 authorizing the creation of a “Florida Stands with Israel” specialty license plate. The legislation enjoyed bipartisan sponsorship and passed through both the Florida House and Senate unanimously.

Upon approval of any new specialty license plate, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) is required to collect voucher pre-sales before the new plate may be produced and distributed. A 3,000 unit pre-sale requirement is necessary for all specialty license plates.


The beautiful plate is the work of graphic designer Daniel Ackerman, of Boca Raton, Florida. Ackerman’s work was chosen as the winning design from over 100 artists in a contest sponsored by the Israeli American Council Artists for Israel (IAC). Ackerman created a charming icon by superimposing an orange blossom, the Florida State flower, over a Magen David, with a well-placed tropical leaf and a (Florida) orange. The wave of blue on top and bottom are representative of the Israeli flag. The Florida-Israel connection is both subtle and captivating.

De Santis stated, “I am committed to deepening the relationship between Florida and the State of Israel. This specialty license plate serves as a visible symbol of our steadfast support and friendship.”

As time progressed, Covid-19 disrupted the sales initiative. Tax-collector offices for purchasing vouchers were closed, and the original company promoting numerous Florida specialty license plates went out of business. This created the perfect storm for confused customers and significant barriers to sales. The original two-year time frame to achieve the 3,000 vouchers was from October 16, 2020 until October 15, 2022. By that time, everyone assumed this initiative had dissolved.

A few months ago, Daniel and his father Michael learned that a two-year extension was provided for all organizations that had been selling specialty license plates during that tumultuous period. At that time, there were a little over 100 vouchers sold in three-and-a-half years. This was not surprising given the previously undermining circumstances. After regrouping, the father-son duo launched a new website and dedicated grassroots efforts for the “Florida Stands with Israel” license plate in July, resulting in over 500 voucher sales in two months.

Supporters of “Florida Stands with Israel” license plates are urged to act promptly and order from The deadline for ordering is October 14, 2024. Again, a minimum of 3,000 vouchers must be sold for production of the license plates to commence. As of this writing, 2,400 more sales are needed to achieve the goal. If the number of orders falls short even by one, the initiative fails and this unique opportunity is lost.

Thanks to the support of generous donors, Florida Stands with Israel is proud to announce 1,000 “Buy One, Get One (BOGO)” vouchers. For every voucher purchased, one will be given free. Each voucher covers the specialty plate renewal fee for one year. To qualify, one must first purchase the voucher(s) and then fill out the BOGO form at

Additionally, one can purchase multiple vouchers using the same Florida license plate number. Those who are interested in saving on processing fees by purchasing 10 or more vouchers should contact [email protected].

Non-Florida residents can purchase vouchers as gifts for Florida residents using the recipient’s Florida license plate number and full name. Purchasing a voucher supports the initiative but does not obligate an individual to redeem it for the specialty license plate.

Hatzalah South Florida Emergency Services, an organization of EMT and paramedic volunteers who operate during medical emergencies, will receive $25 of every $33 of the proceeds of pre-sales vouchers. Executive Director of the organization Andre Roitman expressed gratitude for the contribution and its impact on Hatzalah’s services.

Unfortunately, there has been a recent loud and shocking acceptance of antisemitism and anti-Zionism in our beloved United States. Florida has the opportunity to take up the cudgel of the effort against this troubling trend. Florida can act as a role model for states and declare, “We Stand with Israel.” The time to act is now.

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Shelley Benveniste is South Florida editor of The Jewish Press.