Word Prompt – SILVER – Sarah Pachter

Our society is results-focused. You can be the second-fastest runner in the world, but society doesn’t care. You lost. You’re not getting the endorsements.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Kylie Ora Lobell

When I am old, and my hair is silver or white or gray, I know that I won't remember this stress. All I will remember is the happy times, and I will probably say, I'd do anything to get back to that place.

Word Prompt – SILVER – David Curwin

Interestingly, the English word “silver” may also have Semitic origins. One theory suggests that silver derives from the Akkadian word sarapu, meaning to smelt, refine.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Cecelia Margules

What exactly is a silver lining? It is a metaphor conveying a glimmer of hope, in the midst of despair.

Word Prompt – SILVER – Akiva Kra

It's amazing how one metal can carry so many memories and so much importance. Oftentimes the tarnished silver candlesticks in a home carry more emotion and hold more memories than the colorful pictures around them.

Word Prompt – BEIS DIN – Adena Berkowitz

We might think that today batei din just adjudicate cases of divorce and conversion. Yet, Jewish courts can resolve business disputes and damages.

Word Prompt – BEIS DIN – Stephen M. Flatow

To me, the best part of beis din is that it allows us to not have to air our laundry in civil courts...

Word Prompt – BEIS DIN – Chaim Saiman

While din ensures that legal principles are upheld without deviation, it can sometimes lead to harsh or impractical outcomes.

Word Prompt – BEIS DIN – Michael Helfand

Halacha, like other legal systems, provides us with rules and values around which we are meant to organize our lives. Our ability, however, to comply with halacha requires that we learn and teach its rules. After all, you can’t comply with the rules you don’t know.

Word Prompt – BEIS DIN – Gershon Schusterman

The salient distinction is that civil law is secular and Jewish law is G-dly... Jewish law, by contrast, is a combination of civil and religious law, e.g., if one steals, he is simultaneously sinning against the victim and against G-d.

Word Prompt – FATHER-IN-LAW – Francis Nataf

Just as there are no two more similar stories than the respective exiles of Yaakov and Moshe, it is hard to find two more disparate parallels than the roles of their respective fathers-in-law.

Word Prompt – FATHER-IN-LAW – Sara Blau

Most of us can’t handle unsolicited advice, and in-law relationships can be a touchy thing. And yet Moshe’s humility astounds me. To be able to receive the feedback and make the necessary improvements based on his father-in-law’s advice is truly something I admire.

Word Prompt – FATHER-IN-LAW – Avi Ganz

Lavan wasn't just a bad father-in-law; he was a bad person. In contrast, Yitro is a man with a significant past and what seems to be a very strong moral compass. And he wants to help.

Word Prompt – FATHER-IN-LAW – Shira Boshnack

I smile when I remember how, when we lived in Florida, they spent a week together converting a garage into two fully carpeted bedrooms with outlets and lights. There really wasn’t anything the two of them couldn’t repair together.

Word Prompt – FATHER-IN-LAW – Jonathan Shenkman

Yitro teaches us the importance of having a confidant in your family, who sees things through a different set of eyes, and can be trusted for sage advice.

Word Prompt – DOVES – Ruchama Feuerman

When Noach sends off the raven, the Torah provides no reason, but rather Noach unceremoniously ejects the poor bird from the ark. No wonder it flounders and goes nowhere. With the dove, though, the text adds these words to see whether the waters had abated.

Word Prompt – DOVES – Jordana Baruchov

The dove’s unwavering loyalty mirrors my devotion to my family, community, and faith. I aim to spread positivity, wisdom, and spiritual nourishment.

Word Prompt – DOVES – Cheryl Kupfer

The dove was sent by Noah three times. It returned to the ark twice, portraying the middot of commitment and loyalty, both to Noah and its mate. It took its responsibilities to heart.

Word Prompt – DOVES – Elli Fischer

I cannot think of doves without considering their counterparts, ravens. I'm from Baltimore, a city that named its football team after Poe’s famous poem. Perhaps next year thinking about the Ravens will bring me a bit more joy…

Word Prompt – DOVES – Ziona Greenwald

Despite being part of the pigeon family – a far less beloved creature, typically associated with urban grime – doves represent purity. (Contrary to universal imagery, however, they come in other colors besides white.)

Word Prompt – TEFILLIN – Nachum Segal

This Torah discussion and the family custom of giving it the exclusive slot at a family bar mitzvah gave us all a common thread and association. I have always found that connection very meaningful.

Word Prompt – TEFILLIN – JJ Eleff

Dozens of men worldwide who had no connection to a rabbi are now members of a shul in their neighborhood. IDF soldiers fighting on the front lines to protect us have a new source of protection that they wrap daily.

Word Prompt – TEFILLIN – Rachel Wizenfeld

As a mother, tefillin is something else to think about for my teenage sons' trips and carpools, something else to organize during bar mitzvah planning.

Word Prompt – TEFILLIN – Rabbi Litvin

Not just because it's a physical way to literally tie into Judaism and to prepare for prayer and not just because it's the same action that my father, sheyichyehi, my grandfather, and my ancestors have done since Sinai.

Word Prompt – TEFILLIN – Tuly Weisz

Once Jews were allowed to daven at the Kotel again for the first time in 20 years, Chabad set up a table at the Kotel encouraging Jews to put on tefillin.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/features/word-prompt/word-prompt-silver-sarah-pachter/2025/02/26/

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