Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Boker tov is not merely a salutation to others wishing them a “good morning,” it is also a mandate for myself to set a proper mindset to start my day employing these three techniques:

1) Immediately upon rising we say “Modah Ani” – “I am grateful,” starting our day immediately with a “boker tov” attitude as we thank Hashem before we even think. Regardless of the situation, “we release a wave of positive energy allowing us to celebrate what we have instead of thinking about what other people have, and to be what we are instead of wanting to be what we are not” (Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks).


2) Starting my “boker tov” approach to the day I remind myself that “kumi l’avodat haBoreh” – I am getting up (ideally as a lion) to serve my Creator; and there is a lot to do beginning with the mitzvot of the morning, in addition to dreams yet to fulfill.

3) I chant to myself – “Zeh hayom asah Hashem nagilah venismicha vo.” Today is the day Hashem has created – we shall be joyous in this day; for this day has its own purpose for me and I am excited to partake with G-d in writing its events!

So, whatever may come my way – it already is a “boker tov!

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Rabbanit Shani Taragin is educational director of Matan-Bellows Eshkolot Tanakh teachers’ programs and Mizrachi Olami Lapidot. Shani directs, leads tours, coordinates, and teaches Tanach, Talmud, Halacha and women’s health in numerous seminaries and adult education programs in Israel and worldwide. Shani lives with her family in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion-Israel.