Photo Credit: Jewish Press

This week, boker tov is that Iran didn’t attack in the night.

A month ago, boker tov was that no soldier was killed overnight.


Two months ago, boker tov meant no rocket barrages struck last night.

Four months ago, boker tov was that Iran did attack but that we are all fine.

Eight months ago, boker tov was video reunions of hostages with their families.

Ten months ago is the last time there was a true boker tov.

Since October 7/Simchat Torah, there has been no good morning, there has been only waking to realize that we are still in this endless nightmare of grief, pain, and uncertainty. A nation on pause while trying to breathe. A nation in pain while fighting to survive. A nation deep in worry, while trying not to show that worry.

Our children in tunnels, our families in mourning, our soldiers in battle.

Boker tov? Please G-d.

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Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll is cofounder of Chochmat Nashim, fighting the extremist trends that harm the community. Originally from Lakewood, she lives in Israel with her family.