Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Why did G-d use secular Jews to rebuild the Jewish commonwealth in the Land of Israel in our time? For many this is a stumbling block to believing that Zionism is heavenly-ordained. But there maybe an answer that will make sense to religious folks:

The Jewish people had been in exile for 2,000 years, during which time they lost the characteristic trait of action. So when G-d decreed that we should return to our land He sent into the world a few generations that would breed back in the trait of action to Am Yisrael so that we could relearn to farm, fight, and build. Indeed, these generations of secular Jews stressed The New Jew, The Strong Jew, and in the end they indeed managed to return the ability to farm, fight, and build back into our people’s head and hands.


Now, however, after their success in the realm of physical ability, we are returning to the original purpose of the Jewish state, that is, to build Israel and Jerusalem as the spiritual capital of the world.

In the end, the reborn body of the State of Israel will house the ancient spirit of the Torah of Israel. Thank you, Hashem, for honoring us with the greatest privilege there is: to build the world in Your image through the ingathering of the exiles and the redemption of the Land.

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Yishai Fleisher is a Contributing Editor at, talk-show host, and International Spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron, an Israeli Paratrooper, a graduate of Cardozo Law School, and the founder of Kumah ("Arise" in Hebrew), an NGO dedicated to promoting Zionism and strengthening Israel's national character. Yishai is married to Malkah, and they live in the settlement of Efrat with their children.