Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Encountering the former wife of one of my closest friends a few years after his passing stirred a profound pain that brought me to tears. As we stood on the Jerusalem streets, the memories of our shared past flooded back, making the moment feel surreal. The juxtaposition of reminiscing about old times while her new husband stood by her side heightened the intensity of my emotions. It was as if the weight of my friend’s absence became even more palpable in that moment, amplifying the sense of loss and longing.

After our meeting, a searing pain gripped me, cutting deep into my soul. The reality of his absence and the passage of time hit me with a force that left me struggling to breathe. The streets of Jerusalem, which once held the echoes of our laughter and shared experiences, now seemed to amplify the void left by his departure. As tears flowed, I realized that grief, though it may evolve, never truly fades; it simply waits for moments like these to remind us of the love and connections that remain forever etched in our hearts.

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Rabbi Dovid M. Cohen is the author of two books, most recently 'Together Again,' exploring our post pandemic relationships. He hosts The Jewish Philanthropy Podcast and is a Senior Relationship Officer at Yachad. His website is