Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Rochelle Brand

The word dodi is found 22 times in Shir HaShirim, the allegorical love story between G-d and the Jewish people. The dodi’s outer beauty and perfection is testimony to G-dliness. Dodi is compared to a gazelle prancing from place to place, sometimes clearly visible and sometimes hiding behind the walls watching us slumber. Dodi’s voice (“Kol dodi dofek”) calls out to us as we sleep. He is knocking on our windows to wake us up, to let him in, all the time referring to us as “my darling, faultless dove,” letting us know that despite what we may think of ourselves, Hashem loves us and values us. The month of Elul (an acronym for Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li) offers us the opportunity to begin a process of introspection, course correction and renewal so that as we enter Rosh Hashana, we do so with determination to be a better Jew.

The gematria of dodi is 24. The gematria of Hashem’s name is 26. To reach a level of G-dliness we must add two – oneself and Hashem, in a mutually caring and giving relationship. As we devote ourselves to Hashem, we will merit Hashem’s love and protection. May we all know a peaceful, safe and healthy New Year.

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With many years of teaching and administrative experience both in the U.S. and in Israel, yeshivot and public school, Dr. Rochelle Brand (Shelly) now serves at Head of School at SBTAG in South Florida. She received her Doctorate in Educational Administration from YU’s Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration.