Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Beloved” is the term from Shir HaShirim referenced by Rambam at the end of Hilchot Teshuva to represent the most sublime form of relationship between humanity and G-d. Enigmatically and somewhat controversially, Rambam interprets the nature of this loving relationship to depend on intellectual understanding of G-d and His works: “according to the level of knowledge, so can be the love.”

Rambam’s interpretation reminds me of a wedding anniversary celebration of an elderly couple at which the husband said to his wife of well over 50 years:


“Back when we first met, I thought I loved you. But that was just infatuation of youth. The sort of powerful emotional feelings that could be uprooted or blown off course if the wind changed direction and circumstances changed. It is only now after decades together that I can really say I know you. And love you deeply for what you really are.”

According to the level of knowledge, so can be the love.

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Rabbi Shmuel Phillips is the author of Judaism Reclaimed: Philosophy and Theology in the Torah" (from which this is adapted). He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and four children.