Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Many of us are familiar with the love-filled sentiment of Shir HaShirim, “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li – I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me.” Hashem loves us even though he can seem so far away from us sometimes as we meander with our own preoccupations. Sometimes our relationship can almost feel as if we are relating to a mere abstraction. The monotony of our rote behaviors can even ossify until Rosh Hashana forces us to groggily awaken from our slumber, feeling pressured to go through the motions of introspection and change. Being conscious of this may engender feelings of anxiousness due to the impending judgment. But in the month of Elul, the King is in the field, “Dirshu Hashem behimatzeo, kera’uhu bihiyoso karov – Call out to Hashem when He is found, call Him when He is close.” He is not just approachable, to every Jew He is “dodi,” My beloved. A Jew exists to be together in loving union with the Creator.

While “Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li” connotes a relationship, how does one cultivate a relationship with an Infinite Being? In a way, similar to how we would cultivate a relationship with our spouse. By consistently considering one’s beloved, attempting to do what is pleasurable to one’s beloved, and not being content with one’s past good efforts. The more we do, the more we engage in mitzvos, we actualize our love and bring about reciprocal acts of love from Hashem. This Elul let’s rekindle and recommit to a loving, healthy, growing relationship with our beloved.

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Dr. Yehudah Pryce is a clinical social worker who resides in Irvine, California with his wife and four children.