Photo Credit: Jewish Press


Emes means truth.


In life we strive to find emes in everything we do. It’s not just to find the truth, but it’s also to find meaning. We strive for a life that’s filled with purpose. The first thing I do when I wake up is daven. Every morning I post a picture of my daily prayers. I convey my thanksgiving to the one above for everything that I have, and everything Hashem does for me. In my prayers it’s a constant reminder that Hashem is the truth. Hashem is my G-d and Hashem is one.

I’m proud to be a Jew. I’m proud of my roots and that I get to wear a kippah on my head every day. I’m proud I get to put on tefillin and be part of our amazing religion. Life is so much more than me and as a Jew I realize that. For so many years Jews had to hide who they were; they had to practice and pray in hiding. Today we have the land of Israel with a strong army and finally a way to defend our people and our nation. I am lucky to be able to walk on the street with no shame and no guilt of who I am. I will always fight for this right. I will never forget what my ancestors fought to get to this point in our history. This is my truth and this is my emes.

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Gabriel Boxer – aka the Kosher Guru – is a social media personality spreading the love of living a kosher lifestyle in a fun filled way, along with being an advocate of Israel and the Jewish people.