Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Hashem told Avraham to walk the length and width of the Holy Land. Though Moshe wasn’t allowed in, Hashem showed him the entire land before he died. We can’t know when these conversations took place. But if I had to guess, I’d say it was sometime between winter and spring to show them “who” Hashem is and not just “what” he says. Because there is no better way to know G-d than to walk through His creations in His Land.

For words are subject to interpretation and filtered through time. And practices depend on local customs and societal norms. People are fallible and justice systems corruptible. But the world G-d created remains unfiltered and pure for us to learn from.


Here, flowers bloom in a consistent cycle, in magnificent color, in varieties that AI couldn’t dream up – Hashem’s love of color, variety, beauty, and contrast is evident.

The cycle of life, the importance of difference and the seemingly incongruousness are there to contemplate. While there is timing to be respected, a consistency that lets you know what chag is before you simply by looking around you, there is also surprise and wonder.

Looking at Israel, it’s hard to argue that G-d is black and white, that there is only one way to serve Him or that beauty is immodest. Look up from black and white texts. Seek G-d in His home. Breathe in the scents, learn from the Land; see what he wanted Avraham and Moshe to see and bring that home with you.

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Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll is cofounder of Chochmat Nashim, fighting the extremist trends that harm the community. Originally from Lakewood, she lives in Israel with her family.