Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Such a fraught word for a Jewish woman. At one time “forbidden” and “foreign.” Now, more familiar and even a beloved window into Judaism 2,000 years ago, as rabbis strove to save a religion and a nation disconnected from its heart and soul. A window into society when women were “less than” and not heard as much. A window into taking G-d’s law into man’s hands.

Gemara, where a statement made by one can and has affected millions, where a language of its own is needed to unlock millennia of history.


Gemara, where now women not only learn but teach, bringing us to where we can speak the same language, use the same tools and bring new perspectives.

Gemara, where my daughter can learn, laugh and get angry, joining the conversation in ways I never could. Where she can search and find and understand – and own her Judaism in an active way. Ken yirbu.

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Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll is cofounder of Chochmat Nashim, fighting the extremist trends that harm the community. Originally from Lakewood, she lives in Israel with her family.