Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Lenny Solomon

My childhood memory of Simchat Torah is fresh in my mind. It was Simchat Torah afternoon. The ladies Auxiliary of Adas Yeshurun Kew Gardens Synagogue had a function in the afternoon with the most amazing lemon sponge cake. All my friends would go to this Simchat Torah party, have some cake, and then we would sneak out before the speeches started.

This symbolized the beginning of the year. I must tell you that the feeling of freshness was in the air with chestnuts falling off the trees. A fresh start.


And so, this is what Genesis means to me. We start with the creation of the world. And we go through the Torah again. It is a brilliant time and a brilliant feeling. So, everyone out there: lift your head high and smile. And remember with new beginnings comes new hope. The hope for Moshiach and the Third Beis HaMikdash. Pack your bags everyone – come to Israel. The journey is just beginning.

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Lenny Solomon is a Jewish musician who has released 42 albums and has performed in over 2000 shows worldwide. He is the founder of the band Shlock Rock and a partner in the Kesher band. He is executive director of The 4 Corners Project, a nonprofit that produces informal Jewish educational projects using music and media. He lives in Bet Shemesh, Israel.