Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Hillel Fuld

Gray is not just a color, it’s also a reality. The world is nuanced, a world that is not black and white, but rather, gray.

Most things in this world are indeed gray. And then there are indeed things that are black and white, like a war between good and evil.


The word gray in Hebrew is “afor,” which shares a root with the war “afar,” which means dust. We all know we come from dust and we will return to dust.

If we live our life with that in mind, we remain humble. Knowing where we came from and where we’re going helps us stay grounded, no pun intended, and understand why we’re here in this world.

Despite the mechanism of media, social or legacy, not facilitating nuance, any intelligent human being understands that life exists in the gray.

As Jews, it is our job to embrace the gray, to understand that we do indeed come from “afar” and will return to “afar,” which will enable us to live and more honest and meaningful life.

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Hillel Fuld is a tech blogger/vlogger/podcaster, startup marketer, online influencer, and public speaker. He has been featured on several tech publications and does keynotes on tech marketing worldwide.