Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Bari Mitzmann

With autumn well underway, well, for most of us (it’s still a little warm here in the west), the leaves changing can have one thinking about cycles. From the budding of new leaves in the spring, the large green ones in the summer. Then onto fall, when, well, they change colors and fall and then remain hidden within until spring arrives once again.

Leaves represent the cycles of life and how where we seem to be can be deceiving, and how we are all connected.


When the leaves fall, it can seem as though the leaves peaked in former seasons and have now ended their journey. In truth, it’s just a shift.

The leaves falling end their individual potential, but it’s the start of the potential to help the collective. As they decompose, the leaves nourish the soil, ensuring that new life will follow in their footsteps.

Each leaf that grows and falls is part of one larger ecosystem, where the leaves past have supported the leaves of spring, destined to become part of that larger picture, ensuring more leaves to come.

Eitz chaim hi.

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Bari Mitzmann is a popular podcaster whose goal is to empower women, normalize mental illness, and discuss seemingly taboo topics in the Jewish community. She has a MA in education and has worked in outreach.