Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Hillel Fuld

Leaves, while they might seem like a trivial and insignificant part of nature that just require us to clean them all year around, can actually teach us a profound lesson on life. In today’s day and age, the era of cancel culture, one bad word about someone can truly murder their essence. One piece of slander can change a person’s life forever. One might make the claim that “It’s only words.” Well, just as leaves blow in the wind and are impossible to retrieve, so to, a word. Once it’s out there, it’s impossible to get it back.

But this concept doesn’t stop with words.


An action, a small action, even a smile can have a massive ripple effect that can change the lives of many. Imagine for a second, seeing a street cleaner doing his job and while everyone else ignores him, imagine walking over and asking his name while thanking him for his work. That small gesture can change that man’s day, maybe even his life. Surely, that kindness is something he’ll pay forward and do a nice deed for someone else. You never know how far it’ll go.

In summary; just like a leaf might seem like an insignificant thing or even something worthless, leaves teach us about our potential to spread goodness, be it through words or actions.

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Hillel Fuld is a tech blogger/vlogger/podcaster, startup marketer, online influencer, and public speaker. He has been featured on several tech publications and does keynotes on tech marketing worldwide.