Photo Credit: Jewish Press


I’ve never liked the idea of people being lucky or unlucky. Our beliefs about our ability to have good impacts our participation in pursuing good. Luck is more of a mindset than some magical force.


In the book The Luck Factor by psychologist Richard Wiseman, he describes luck in four principles:

1) Lucky people create, notice, and act upon the chance opportunities in their lives.

2) Lucky people make successful decisions by using their intuition and gut feelings.

3) Lucky people’s expectations about the future help them fulfill their dreams and ambitions.

4) Lucky people are able to transform their bad luck into good fortune.

In his interviews with hundreds of people, the theme he seemed to find was that “luck” is actually a result of intentional work. Self-awareness, effort, drive, motivation, opportunity, confidence, resilience, action. We can improve our luck, or at least feel like we are, by focusing on our behaviors and attitudes.

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Rachel Tuchman is a licensed mental health counselor practicing in Cedarhurst, NY with over 10 years of experience. She is a HAES (Health At Every Size) aligned clinician and is dedicated to promoting education on body respect and behaviors that honor our health. Rachel also does speaking engagements for schools, synagogues, and various community organizations.