Photo Credit: Jewish Press


So many memories. When a person reaches old age, memories are sometimes what keeps them going.


I have so many wonderful memories. When we made aliyah the first time in 1971, I was in love with Israel. Everything filled my heart with joy. My children were young then, Michal wasn’t even two yet, and I infused that love into all of them.

My memories skip ahead, Michal is bat mitzvah and we already made two bar mitzvot and Cindy’s wedding. It was a beautiful wedding. My parents made it in the Hilton Hotel.

I thought I would always be 49, until my daughters were older than that.

The years ahead were filled with grandchildren who have given me wonderful memories, and now my life is filled with great-grandchildren and we are making memories together.

With Hashem’s help we will go on making memories for many more years.

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Naomi Klass Mauer is the co-publisher of The Jewish Press.