Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Lenny Solomon

The word moed brings us to the topic that I really love to focus on; Mashiach and the End of Days. Ki va moed means “The appointed time has come.” As I live in Bet Shemesh, since October 7 we have been living with one eye on the war and one eye on trying to keep the family together and make a living as well. But in the back of everyone’s minds we are thinking – Ki va moed. The appointed time has come. We are looking forward to Mashiach coming and leading us through this time in history. We are looking forward to the third Beit HaMikdash being built and the ingathering of the exiles from all over the world. How will it happen? When will the Mashiach appear? Who is the Mashiach? How will we know?

These are all questions that cannot be answered right now. But there is no question that the appointed time has come. We are in the zone! We ask Hashem to bring the redemption with utmost mercy.

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Lenny Solomon is a Jewish musician who has released 42 albums and has performed in over 2000 shows worldwide. He is the founder of the band Shlock Rock and a partner in the Kesher band. He is executive director of The 4 Corners Project, a nonprofit that produces informal Jewish educational projects using music and media. He lives in Bet Shemesh, Israel.